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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kill Zone 2, Resistance 2 or Gears of War 2?

Which game will be best the shooter out of these three games?

Which games will you buy?

I will buy all three of them because I own a PS3 and a XBox 360.

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In regards to the average reviews. I believe all three will be above 90% = AAA titles.
Kill Zone 2 = 94%
Resistance 2 = 92%
Gears of War 2 = 91%

I personally like KZ2 and gears 2 the best,,they appeal to me more




Graphics wise: Killzone 2 > Gears of War 2 > Resistance 2
Gameplay wise: Resistance 2 > Killzone 2 > Gears of War 2
Sales wise: Gears of War 2 > Resistance 2 > Killzone 2

I think Seihyouken has it right. Gears was fun, but I have no intention of playing through it again, and don't like the multiplayer that much. I played in PC, so I'm spoiled for choice with online FPS and RTS games.

I actually enjoyed Killzone at the time, the graphics seem horrible now, so does the frame rate, but they had the right idea. I expect they will make the graphics more "future-proof" so they continue to get sales this time.

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If I had to pick only one, it would be Resistance 2. Looks like it's a sure value, with a big bunch of new features.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

I will buy all three, I think Resistance 2 will be the best

Kratos3000 said:
In regards to the average reviews. I believe all three will be above 90% = AAA titles.
Kill Zone 2 = 94%
Resistance 2 = 92%
Gears of War 2 = 91%

I reckon it will be more like:

Killzone 2: 92%

Resistance 2: 90%

Gears Of War 2: 94%


I'll be getting R2 and KZ2.



Graphics: KZ2> Gears 2> R2

Gameplay: KZ2> R2> Gears 2

Sales: Gears 2> KZ2> R2

Fun: R2> KZ2> Gears 2

Overall: KZ2>R2=Gears 2

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

Hang on, This is PS3 2 Games VS 360 1 game, How about i throw Left 4 Deads name in to the mixing pot to even things up.......................

Never underestimate VALVE.....................

I won't score the ps3 games in case i'm accused of bias but.........

Gears 2 95%
Left 4 Dead 95%