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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

Zucas said:
Username2324 said:
Here, I'll make it simple for you:

Go ahead now, plenty of videos for you to be watching.


Actually a good start haha.  Of course its a good thing you aren't a lawyer haha because I'm sure the judge would laugh at you haha but ok.  I just watched a video of the game Call of Duty 2 and I think its graphics are not as good as The Conduit.   Being an empirical statement I have the burden of proof to prove it and I do have that proof.  My proof is that perception is reality or to sum it up for you what is best is always in the eyes of the beholder. 

Now I won't even let you dangle on this because that would be cruel.  You actually can't prove your statement correct because there is no possible way because there is no basis on how to say if a game is better graphically than the other.  Because the graphics, or visual, is what you see it is perception and perception is reality meaning its always an opinion. 

So why did I lead you all the way to this.. to make a point and that being beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and it always will be that way so why spend all this time arguing what looks better.  Point taken.  I think the topic creator was getting at something similar.

You can buy Call of Duty 2 on PS3? Really? Seems you wouldn't make too good of a lawyer yourself, your evidence has nothing to do with the case, I'm sure the judge would laugh at you as well.

As for that last part, why bother creating the topic at all then, because all it would end in is a bunch of bickering back and forth.


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We get that The Conduit looks good for a Wii game but cmon,better looking than a PS3/360 game?

The Wii dosent have shaders nor can it do anti aliasing,if you wanna compare it to a next gen game then you would want mercenaries 2 for 360 with huge ugly squares of graphics.

What pics/videos are you guys looking at that make you think the conduit looks good?

Other than the developer telling everyone how great their game is I think it's all BS. Every pic and video I've seen has low poly models with low res bland looking textures, ho hum art direction, and jagies all over the place. I think mario galaxy and metroid look better than this by a mile. Even doom 3 and riddick on the old x-box look beter than this imo, and those were last gen.

And comparing this to 360 or PS3 anything is just insultingly stupid. Spring for one of those systems if you want graphics. Otherwise stop beating a dead horse and get over the Wii last gen graphics already. It's so last year.

Sorry, but both Perfect Dark Zero and F.E.A.R. looks better then The Conduit.
The Conduit can be the better game, who knows, but as far as we only count + and - from a technical standpoint TC Even the latest TC screens are just to pixelated. Far Cry for original XBOX offer much more the it.

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Technically all games look better on ps3/360 because the wii can't go beyond 480p. However artistically there would be a few games no doubt.



Ok. I did something a little more useful in this thread. The Conduit vs. Xbox first person shooters: (All pics from IGN)

(These are the newest Conduit pictures I can find, but I will replace them with any better ones at request)

Oct 2nd 2008

Now for the comparisons:

Far Cry Instincts

Doom 3

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Half-Life 2

Brother in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Halo 2

You be the judge.

Please no one quote me. It's a long reply and it doesn't need to be repeated. Just acknowledge my name in your post if it's for me or at least take the pics out of your quote.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Every PS360 FPS game looks better than the Conduit...

Now, i think the worst looking game on the PS3 is Disgaea 3 (But i still love it, it's amazing), played at HD res the sprites look awful, and the graphics engine on the game is average, but if i put it on the same field as TC (480p TVs), i think Disgaea 3 looks a little better, but just a tad...

But even i you don't agree with me, the comparison is irrelevant, because SRPGs and FPSs are different genres and require different art direction and different styles of graphics, so my conclusion is my first sentence on this post...

@Onyxmeth, you are the man
Sorry Wii owners, but your console is not about graphics. It can't be even a competitor to original XBOX. Just give up and accept the truth.

BrayanA said:
@Onyxmeth, you are the man
Sorry Wii owners, but your console is not about graphics. It can't be even a competitor to original XBOX. Just give up and accept the truth.

1) The gamecube had what some consider the best looking game (RE4) of last generation I.E Gamecube is more powerful then the xbox

2)The wii is more powerful then the gamecube. I.E the Wii is more powerful then the XBox

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