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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Which Console Will You Go With Next Gen?

"Super Wii" and possibly the 720.

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Wii and the new Dreamcast

blackstar said:
psrock said:
i'm skipping next gen.


because sony is skipping it too!


Because, i am currently in a 10 year plan and I am standing by it.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
blackstar said:
psrock said:
i'm skipping next gen.


because sony is skipping it too!


Because, i am currently in a 10 year plan and I am standing by it.


u r a true "ps rock"

I don't know... we'll see when they announce their plans for the systems... but I'll probably pick up the next Xbox... especially if it's BC

Around the Network
blackstar said:
psrock said:
blackstar said:
psrock said:
i'm skipping next gen.


because sony is skipping it too!


Because, i am currently in a 10 year plan and I am standing by it.


u r a true "ps rock"

the one and only.

there's so much the ps3 is capable of, i'm still waiting for most of them.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Well I got a PS3 at launch, and an Xbox recently and I have been happy with both of them, though the PS3 is still my favourite console

So it all depends on the release of the consoles. If the Xbox 3 comes out in 2010, and the PS4 does not look as though it be released any time soon, I will get the X3 at launch, and probably the PS4 at launch, but the PS4 is my priority.

There is no chance that I wont get a PS4 at launch, but the question is how many good games are coming out on PS3 near 2010 and also what games are avaliable at launch on X3, if they have a Mass Effect, a Gears of War or something like that (not a Halo) then I will probably get it, of course price is a large factor

my history and opinions
this gen i am ps3/360 and might get a wii- best console WAS 360, but now ps3
last gen i was ps2/Gc/xbox- the best one was ps2, gc was trash
before that i was ps1/snes- snes was great but not as good as ps1

this gen shouldnt end till 2012, but when the next gen im going wii2 and ps4. i thought wii would be horrible like GC, but i was wrong so i will trust nintendo and buy the wii2.
im not sure about xbox, i love my 360 but i really hate microsoft now. so xbox 720 isnt an instant purchase like 360 was





The console that has Zelda and Metroid

I'll probably get Nintendo's next console and a PS3 (when it will be much cheaper and in a proper slim version).