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Forums - General Discussion - Secretary Powell endorses Barack Obama

akuma587 said:
steven787 said:

I'm reading the comments over here:

They make me truly sad. To see how quickly some Republicans (who pick "Independent" as their party) turned on Powell, saying horrible things about him. It's bad enough they make baseless and racist attacks on Obama, now they do it to their own, one of the most respected and qualified members of their party.

There is just so much hate coming from the right. It literally hurts me, not offend, hurts me because of my love for this country and it's people.

I'm not saying this to try to talk anyone into voting for Obama, or vote Democrat. I really couldn't care about that right now. I'm hurt and sad.

Politics can do strange things to people...and misinformation can do even worse thing to people. Couple that with the fact that the average person is pretty dishonest and you are just asking for trouble.

I find the Right a bit more hateful than the Left, but then again I am probably biased. But the only people on the Left I see teeming with hatred are generally the environmentalists (and often for good cause, because we rape the environment in the butthole daily). You have your Michael Moore variety liberals too. But the Left has been justified in sending out a bit more hate for the last eight years, because this country has really taken a nosedive in terms of respectability and standing up for the Constitution.

I think most of the hate on the Right originates from the Religious Right, ironically. They should be the peacemakers in the party, but they are generally the loony ones. You get them into a room with the Republicans who actually have sane ideas and I think the sane Republicans even kind of give into all the hating.



Your right akuma. I used to be a part of the party, but what they have evolved into the last 8 years is disgusting. They are blaming everybody else for their own failures. The party would not be in this situation if it was not for bush and his cronies. You can only explain so much away before rational thought makes you question wtf is going on.

The religious right is venemous. They do not share the values the bible talks about. The bible talks about loving your neighbor, helping the poor, spreading the good news. The apostles never would have been like this. They go out and dig for dirt and revel when their misleading attacks annoy people, and when they make you upset they just call you a liberal, as if the work somehow is a cuss word. All they can talk about now is roe v wade and gay marriage, that is the only issue. That is literally all the republicans really are now. They talk about lowering taxes and spending, but its all talk. We saw that in the last 8 years. Its become a sad party. If they do not move more to the center and focus more on their economics then they will be irrelevent for many an election cycle.

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Powell should've tried to be the Republican Vice President nominee. I greatly respect the man.

madskillz said:
I downloaded the podcast of Meet the Press. Powell is so full of win. He stuck to the topic and didn't deviate. He said he would endorse Obama, vote for him but wouldn't campaign.

He cited 3 things that really caught my attention, especially from a GOPer - the narrow focus of the McCain campaign, the choice of Sarah Palin and his behavior during the financial crisis.

Powell understands leadership and the timing was awesome. Plus, it really takes aims at retirees in Fla., North Carolina and Va. And the timing of it - Sunday on Meet the Press will keep this in play for at least 3 days.

McCain said he isn't surprised, but I would be if my friend of 25 years and in my party went a different direction.

And I so love how folks like Limpnoodle and Pat Buchanan are saying it was racial. Please. The man is a Republican and has worked with two presidents. He understands the military and Washington, and knows who would make a good president.

If it was racial, why didn't he endorse Obama months ago? He hadn't made up his mind. And that heifer in Minnesota - Bachmann - and Ayers sealed the deal for Powell.

I can't wait to see what McCain will counter with.


 I am not going to turn on him, I think he is wrong. He is looking at Obama as a "figure". He probably thinks the economy is not that important right now. We do not need socialism right now. I really doupt doupt that Powell would be doing this if Obama were just another uber liberal white guy. I also love how he is suddenly your idol, 10 bucks says if he would have picked McCain you would have cast him aside.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

akuma587 said:
steven787 said:

I'm reading the comments over here:

They make me truly sad. To see how quickly some Republicans (who pick "Independent" as their party) turned on Powell, saying horrible things about him. It's bad enough they make baseless and racist attacks on Obama, now they do it to their own, one of the most respected and qualified members of their party.

There is just so much hate coming from the right. It literally hurts me, not offend, hurts me because of my love for this country and it's people.

I'm not saying this to try to talk anyone into voting for Obama, or vote Democrat. I really couldn't care about that right now. I'm hurt and sad.

Politics can do strange things to people...and misinformation can do even worse thing to people.  Couple that with the fact that the average person is pretty dishonest and you are just asking for trouble.

I find the Right a bit more hateful than the Left, but then again I am probably biased.  But the only people on the Left I see teeming with hatred are generally the environmentalists (and often for good cause, because we rape the environment in the butthole daily).  You have your Michael Moore variety liberals too.  But the Left has been justified in sending out a bit more hate for the last eight years, because this country has really taken a nosedive in terms of respectability and standing up for the Constitution.

I think most of the hate on the Right originates from the Religious Right, ironically.  They should be the peacemakers in the party, but they are generally the loony ones.  You get them into a room with the Republicans who actually have sane ideas and I think the sane Republicans even kind of give into all the hating.


I think it is just because you are biased, I am biased and I think the left is more hateful than the right... that is if we are talking mainstream right v. mainstream left...

Now the FAR right is worse than the far left... but I think they are actually fewer in number, definitly less than they were 50 years ago. The far right are the hardcore racist who do all  the KKK stuff, bomb abortion clinics ect.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:
madskillz said:
I downloaded the podcast of Meet the Press. Powell is so full of win. He stuck to the topic and didn't deviate. He said he would endorse Obama, vote for him but wouldn't campaign.

He cited 3 things that really caught my attention, especially from a GOPer - the narrow focus of the McCain campaign, the choice of Sarah Palin and his behavior during the financial crisis.

Powell understands leadership and the timing was awesome. Plus, it really takes aims at retirees in Fla., North Carolina and Va. And the timing of it - Sunday on Meet the Press will keep this in play for at least 3 days.

McCain said he isn't surprised, but I would be if my friend of 25 years and in my party went a different direction.

And I so love how folks like Limpnoodle and Pat Buchanan are saying it was racial. Please. The man is a Republican and has worked with two presidents. He understands the military and Washington, and knows who would make a good president.

If it was racial, why didn't he endorse Obama months ago? He hadn't made up his mind. And that heifer in Minnesota - Bachmann - and Ayers sealed the deal for Powell.

I can't wait to see what McCain will counter with.


I am not going to turn on him, I think he is wrong. He is looking at Obama as a "figure". He probably thinks the economy is not that important right now. We do not need socialism right now. I really doupt doupt that Powell would be doing this if Obama were just another uber liberal white guy. I also love how he is suddenly your idol, 10 bucks says if he would have picked McCain you would have cast him aside.

Did you watch the meet the press interview? He thinks it is important and he feels that the way mccain is running his campaign and the palin pick make him out to be unable to be a steady hand during the crisis. I think race is a non-factor in this, maybe just a little, but if you listen to the whole interview it is obvious that this would have happened even if Obama was a white guy. Then again, it may not have because McCain may not have run near as negative a campaign. But, like we all said earlier, the negative campaign from McCain is the one that has sealed the deal.


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Around the Network

I always like Mr Powell. He always seemed like he detested Bush on the inside.

superchunk said:
I always like Mr Powell. He always seemed like he detested Bush on the inside.

I would say his disagreements were with Secretary Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz and most of the Defense Department. That was the real battle in the administration: the State Department v. the Defense Department. Unfortunately, Vice President Cheney seemingly advocated the position of the DD, and President Bush listened to their advice and...well, we know how that turned out.


bigjon said:
madskillz said:
I downloaded the podcast of Meet the Press. Powell is so full of win. He stuck to the topic and didn't deviate. He said he would endorse Obama, vote for him but wouldn't campaign.

He cited 3 things that really caught my attention, especially from a GOPer - the narrow focus of the McCain campaign, the choice of Sarah Palin and his behavior during the financial crisis.

Powell understands leadership and the timing was awesome. Plus, it really takes aims at retirees in Fla., North Carolina and Va. And the timing of it - Sunday on Meet the Press will keep this in play for at least 3 days.

McCain said he isn't surprised, but I would be if my friend of 25 years and in my party went a different direction.

And I so love how folks like Limpnoodle and Pat Buchanan are saying it was racial. Please. The man is a Republican and has worked with two presidents. He understands the military and Washington, and knows who would make a good president.

If it was racial, why didn't he endorse Obama months ago? He hadn't made up his mind. And that heifer in Minnesota - Bachmann - and Ayers sealed the deal for Powell.

I can't wait to see what McCain will counter with.


 I am not going to turn on him, I think he is wrong. He is looking at Obama as a "figure". He probably thinks the economy is not that important right now. We do not need socialism right now. I really doupt doupt that Powell would be doing this if Obama were just another uber liberal white guy. I also love how he is suddenly your idol, 10 bucks says if he would have picked McCain you would have cast him aside.

Dude, are you familiar with me? Have we met in real life? Did you go to my high school or college? When have you seen me bash the general? If you can say *yes* to any of those questions - but if not, mind your OWN BIZ. 

It's funny that a GOPer who was the first black Secretary of State and a trailblazer doesn't know socialism when he sees it? You really should lay off the juice, mang. Admit it - Powell's endorsement is huge and a major, damaging blow to McCain. Don't player hate, dude. Admit McCain was courting his friend Powell too but his actions are what put him and the GOP on the outs.


Colin Powell was a General, National Security Advisor under Reagan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush 1 AND under Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State under Bush 2. The man worked for 4 presidents. When he switches parties, it's a HUGE fucking deal, and not based on anything petty like skin color.

I expect many more moderate Republicans that are on the fence to realize it's okay to cross party lines after Buckley lost his job and even Powell did it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Republican Party is falling apart.

I liked Powell both before and after he endorsed Obama.

Looks like the story is getting quite a bit of traction online and throughout the media, which is good news for Obama.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson