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bigjon said:
madskillz said:
I downloaded the podcast of Meet the Press. Powell is so full of win. He stuck to the topic and didn't deviate. He said he would endorse Obama, vote for him but wouldn't campaign.

He cited 3 things that really caught my attention, especially from a GOPer - the narrow focus of the McCain campaign, the choice of Sarah Palin and his behavior during the financial crisis.

Powell understands leadership and the timing was awesome. Plus, it really takes aims at retirees in Fla., North Carolina and Va. And the timing of it - Sunday on Meet the Press will keep this in play for at least 3 days.

McCain said he isn't surprised, but I would be if my friend of 25 years and in my party went a different direction.

And I so love how folks like Limpnoodle and Pat Buchanan are saying it was racial. Please. The man is a Republican and has worked with two presidents. He understands the military and Washington, and knows who would make a good president.

If it was racial, why didn't he endorse Obama months ago? He hadn't made up his mind. And that heifer in Minnesota - Bachmann - and Ayers sealed the deal for Powell.

I can't wait to see what McCain will counter with.


 I am not going to turn on him, I think he is wrong. He is looking at Obama as a "figure". He probably thinks the economy is not that important right now. We do not need socialism right now. I really doupt doupt that Powell would be doing this if Obama were just another uber liberal white guy. I also love how he is suddenly your idol, 10 bucks says if he would have picked McCain you would have cast him aside.

Dude, are you familiar with me? Have we met in real life? Did you go to my high school or college? When have you seen me bash the general? If you can say *yes* to any of those questions - but if not, mind your OWN BIZ. 

It's funny that a GOPer who was the first black Secretary of State and a trailblazer doesn't know socialism when he sees it? You really should lay off the juice, mang. Admit it - Powell's endorsement is huge and a major, damaging blow to McCain. Don't player hate, dude. Admit McCain was courting his friend Powell too but his actions are what put him and the GOP on the outs.