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Forums - Sony Discussion - The point of view of a simple muslim on the LBP song controversy


As the title say, I'm a muslim and I thought that giving my point of view on this subject will help the community to know about the other side of the story, not only the one that spread now on the Net.

Yes, I listened to the song, and I love it, good tune, good lyrics, and I don't feel offended or discrimined or god know whatelse stupidity. Yes there are lines that can be foind in the Qur'an, but every religious muslim chant contain lies from the Qu'ran, many Eastern and Western songs has lines from Qu'ran, it' not a probleme in our religion, and even more in our society.

So I suspect that the request of removing this song from the game dosen't come from a muslim organisation or what else, but the remove was to not force people to listen to a song that contain lines from Qur'an, and that a valid point of view that I respect, If I was christan or buddhist I'll not love to know that my kids listen to lines from another Holy book.

I respect the move from Sony, but the only thing that I want to make clear is that this song is by no mean offending to muslim, but i may see that it offending to some non musilman that don't want to be forced to listen to muslim content, and everyone has the right to choose what to listen to.

Well thats my point of view and I guess that is the same thing +/- arround me.

Hope this help to make it clear to some people :)



I have a Wii but I'am a moderate PS Fanboy Hoping for a PS3 price cut


Democracy is when 2 wolves and a sheep meet
to decide who is for dinner.
Liberty is when the sheep has a gun.

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Thank you for that.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

you are at 100% right
LBP will be huge

No you are incorrect.

LBP won't be huge, LBP is HUGE.

You have 0 posts, go away bot!

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Nice to hear the another point of view, thanks for sharing.

hpsack said:


As the title say, I'm a muslim and I thought that giving my point of view on this subject will help the community to know about the other side of the story, not only the one that spread now on the Net.

Yes, I listened to the song, and I love it, good tune, good lyrics, and I don't feel offended or discrimined or god know whatelse stupidity. Yes there are lines that can be foind in the Qur'an, but every religious muslim chant contain lies from the Qu'ran, many Eastern and Western songs has lines from Qu'ran, it' not a probleme in our religion, and even more in our society.

So I suspect that the request of removing this song from the game dosen't come from a muslim organisation or what else, but the remove was to not force people to listen to a song that contain lines from Qur'an, and that a valid point of view that I respect, If I was christan or buddhist I'll not love to know that my kids listen to lines from another Holy book.

I respect the move from Sony, but the only thing that I want to make clear is that this song is by no mean offending to muslim, but i may see that it offending to some non musilman that don't want to be forced to listen to muslim content, and everyone has the right to choose what to listen to.

Well thats my point of view and I guess that is the same thing +/- arround me.

Hope this help to make it clear to some people :)




 shouldnt that be alah?

hpsack said:


As the title say, I'm a muslim and I thought that giving my point of view on this subject will help the community to know about the other side of the story, not only the one that spread now on the Net.

Yes, I listened to the song, and I love it, good tune, good lyrics, and I don't feel offended or discrimined or god know whatelse stupidity. Yes there are lines that can be foind in the Qur'an, but every religious muslim chant contain lies from the Qu'ran, many Eastern and Western songs has lines from Qu'ran, it' not a probleme in our religion, and even more in our society.

So I suspect that the request of removing this song from the game dosen't come from a muslim organisation or what else, but the remove was to not force people to listen to a song that contain lines from Qur'an, and that a valid point of view that I respect, If I was christan or buddhist I'll not love to know that my kids listen to lines from another Holy book.

I respect the move from Sony, but the only thing that I want to make clear is that this song is by no mean offending to muslim, but i may see that it offending to some non musilman that don't want to be forced to listen to muslim content, and everyone has the right to choose what to listen to.

Well thats my point of view and I guess that is the same thing +/- arround me.

Hope this help to make it clear to some people :)




u have a good point

but it's wrong to mix music with Qur'an ,muslims don't mix music with Qur'an , that's it

if I had a ps3 i would've bought the game and turned the sound down untill i finish that level, as simple as that


markers said:
hpsack said:


As the title say, I'm a muslim and I thought that giving my point of view on this subject will help the community to know about the other side of the story, not only the one that spread now on the Net.

Yes, I listened to the song, and I love it, good tune, good lyrics, and I don't feel offended or discrimined or god know whatelse stupidity. Yes there are lines that can be foind in the Qur'an, but every religious muslim chant contain lies from the Qu'ran, many Eastern and Western songs has lines from Qu'ran, it' not a probleme in our religion, and even more in our society.

So I suspect that the request of removing this song from the game dosen't come from a muslim organisation or what else, but the remove was to not force people to listen to a song that contain lines from Qur'an, and that a valid point of view that I respect, If I was christan or buddhist I'll not love to know that my kids listen to lines from another Holy book.

I respect the move from Sony, but the only thing that I want to make clear is that this song is by no mean offending to muslim, but i may see that it offending to some non musilman that don't want to be forced to listen to muslim content, and everyone has the right to choose what to listen to.

Well thats my point of view and I guess that is the same thing +/- arround me.

Hope this help to make it clear to some people :)




 shouldnt that be alah?


god , allah

the same :)

Wait. So you think that this was a conspiracy by Christians and Buddhists to pretend to be a Muslim Organisation to get Sony to delete the song?

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