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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are all three consoles this generation so ugly?

Sephiroth357 said:
kabhold said:
gera4390 said:
PS3 is sexy, if it was a girl id make her mine and would touch her tactil stuff to turn her on.


 That's just disturbing.


 And very unnecessary.



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This is a matter of personal opinion. The original Xbox looked butt-ugly, and the 360 isn't much of an improvement. On the other hand I think the PS3 and the Wii look fine.

The Wii is a rectangle because the system produces pretty much no heat, so Nintny ompressed it into as small an area as they could because of their wish to see a Wii next to every tv, rather than just those who care enough to have a system hogging space.

Also, more technology should be white. grey is so 90's, black is so 2000-2005. Apple and Ninty are taking us into the future

Wii and Ps3 look purty. 360, not so much, but it looks alright considering it was designed by Americans...

I agree, the Gamecube looks terrible!

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The Wii and the PS3 are okey (even if the PS3 is too damn big) but the X360 is just ugly.

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Why is Wii white? Because of the Apple/iSomething movement, of course. It makes it more accessible, aesthetically, to adults who have limited experience with technology.

Remember that Miyamoto's specialism is industrial design (hardware casing), not game design. If he approved a certain design, then it is good for its target audience - which doesn't include you. People who had Gamecubes were going to buy Wii whether it was cool looking or not - the people that had to be persuaded were the 'casual crowd.

The PS3 looks like a George Foreman Grill, the 360 looks like a white revamped PS2, and the Wii just looks like a mini toaster with one entry slot for a Pop Tart.

My chrome PS3 matches my chrome finished HDTV just fine.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"

Between ps3 , 360 and Wii, ps3 looks best.