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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Toshinden Wii - screens

It looks really bad ,only slighty better that Tohshinden 1 on the PS1.

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Diomedes1976 said:
It looks really bad ,only slighty better that Tohshinden 1 on the PS1

Either you've never actually seen what the original looks like or you're trolling.  Either way shoo.

It does look pretty awful though.  Even Soul Calibur II blows it out of the water.

I don't mind the not so spectacular graphics. It is a Wii game after all and one of the good things with the Wii is that it is cheaper to make games for it. And how does a developer cut the cost even more? By lowering the graphics standards. A move like that could never be done on the other consoles. If they are lucky, the cost might land somewhere around what a "casual" game would cost.

I just hope the game will have a budget price. And I don't mind improvements before release.

I remember back in 1995 when the PS1 was released in Spain we got with it a demo disk with lots of games.One of those was Tohsinden and was ,for the time ,amazing.

This game looks slighty better only ,it has better player models but much poorer backdrops and the art style is definitely inferior .

The game isn't ready YET. How can you judging a game that it isn't ready yet this pictures are from a 20% build of the game.....Diomedes i agree with you that the art style was better because i liked 90 anime too BUT the judgement on art is clearly a matter of personal opinion. The game just follows the trend of todays anime like Death Note,Naruto and One Hit.

I prefered the art direction of the old toshinden but i am not so quickly to pass judgement on this game so early on development.

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Personally, I wouldn't have revealed a game that was only 20% complete.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Well tbh it looks bad. Why cant the Wii just get a real Soulcalibur? :(

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