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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 160GB Bundle -- GT 5 Prologue, R&C:QFB , SSHD, Last Guy --- £340 ONLY

leo-j said:
Sephiroth357 said:
d21lewis said:
I got MGS4, Pain, backwards compatability, and a $100 gift card when I got my PS3. I win.


 Pain come along? How?


 MGS4 bundle

Ah, I didn't know this came along with it.



Don't be so hasty.


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he's not.....360 already = Ps3 in EU now

this is PS3's can only help it make PS3>360 now

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

deathgod33 said:
i suppose that guy from microsoft who said they will outsell ps3 in europe will be feeling pretty stupid right now.

One great bundle on Sony's part doesn't mean the 360 won't beat it this holiday. However, with how close the two will likely be this holiday, this bundle may just give a good advantage to the PS3 depending on exactly when and where it is released.


darthdevidem01 said:

he's not.....360 already = Ps3 in EU now

this is PS3's can only help it make PS3>360 now


 Is that so? We'll see in due time.

I'm glad to see they're promoting the PSN games. They've got some really great games and ideas on there. They need to send some PSN cards to Europe though (unless they already have and I didn't hear about it), I was someone who couldn't get anything due to a lack of credit card here in the states and having the PSN cards now is great.

Somewhat off topic: I decided to download one of the PS1 games off of the PSN, so I went out and got a PSN card. I got the PS1 game, one thing led to another and soon I'm looking at everything I can buy on there. So I got Linger in Shadows which was surprisingly good (despite me not having a clue what it was about until I'd already played through it once). I'm gonna get SSHD and Wipeout HD among other games soon; Sony's gonna make a ton of money off of me this holiday season.

Around the Network

this is for Europe or just uk?

it should help Sony,,with names like ratchet and GT :5 on the box




This is what SONY needs right now in Europe...wait when is this supposed to be released again? They need to get this out there as soon as possible. Is it true Sony has another bundle for the other markets? (NA, JAPAN and OTHERS)

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


how much does a PS3 go for in uk now?

This bundle is great value for money. I just hope that they produce enough of them.



Sony scared because of 360's price cut confirmed! j/k
How much would that cost without the bundle?

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