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I'm glad to see they're promoting the PSN games. They've got some really great games and ideas on there. They need to send some PSN cards to Europe though (unless they already have and I didn't hear about it), I was someone who couldn't get anything due to a lack of credit card here in the states and having the PSN cards now is great.

Somewhat off topic: I decided to download one of the PS1 games off of the PSN, so I went out and got a PSN card. I got the PS1 game, one thing led to another and soon I'm looking at everything I can buy on there. So I got Linger in Shadows which was surprisingly good (despite me not having a clue what it was about until I'd already played through it once). I'm gonna get SSHD and Wipeout HD among other games soon; Sony's gonna make a ton of money off of me this holiday season.