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Forums - Sony Discussion - Own a PS3? Go online? Hello Big Brother.

Many things we use have policies just as bad/worse than these. Take Facebook for example. When you sign up, you're giving them permission to track what you type on any social network/instant messenger, not just the actual Facebook website.

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Are U stupid or what? It's just legal mentions...

i can't believe this was even thought to be news worthy.


Of course.

Anything that can be spun horribly for Sony is new worthy.

@DMJ. Quiet Mr "PS3less" :P . 2 Days till EPIC Thread!

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Any way you look at it, it is less of a free community. They will look more closely what you say, update your console without even telling you, basically they can do whatever they like with your account.

Anything that gets more strict is just bad but the degree of bad is the difference.

Endz said:
Any way you look at it, it is less of a free community. They will look more closely what you say, update your console without even telling you, basically they can do whatever they like with your account.

Anything that gets more strict is just bad but the degree of bad is the difference.


psn is well and truly doomed. sony are going to control everybody's account and do what they want with our accounts, just for the fun of it. so they can piss everyone off and get sued. that makes so much sense.

be serious dude, do you really think that this is actually going to change the way i am allowed to use psn? or are you making mountains out of mole hills?

I'm scared!

Sony will eventually control my mind...OH NOOO!

People read the ToS?
I half think they put that in as a joke. Seriously, they should put "We reserve the right to turn your PS3 into a killer robot" in there, just to see what happens.

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