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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The yellow/green screen of death.

that sucks balls. never heard of this problem.

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Lolcislaw said:
Domicinator said:
Well, things could be worse. Will I get to play Fable 2 the day it drops? No. But I do have the following games for my PC that I haven't finished:

Gears of War
The Witcher
Lost Planet
World in Conflict

Heck, two of these I can play with my 360 controller. I actually have a WAY bigger PC library than 360 library, so I have plenty of games to keep me occupied while my 360 is away.

The Witcher is brilliant, just keep playing the Best Polish Game ever, and you wont need Fable II (for a while)


Yeah, I have found salvation in The Witcher.  I didn't realize the Enhanced Edition content was already out.  I am installing it all right now.  In fact, I'm going to start the game all over again since I haven't played it in so long and didn't get that far into it in the first place.  I am going to be all about The Witcher until I get my Xbox back.  I did buy Fable II today, but I'm trying to come up with other games to be excited about, and I forgot all about this gem that I never gave a good amount of playing time to.


Gazz said:
mysticD said:

While I would rather not have to deal with hardware issue but I have to give a prop to MS for making it fast and painless.


Whats fast exactly? A friend of mine just had his PS3 crash (his own fault btw, but I suggested him to make a little white lie too) and they send a shiiping order by mail immidiatly and he had his PS3 back within a week. Ps3's might not have the huge failurerate that 360's do, but they also don't have the massive repaircenters that Ms needs to have. I only remember both my 360's being gone for 2 weeks at a time.


How long has it taken your 360 to return to be fast and painless in your book?

Well mine die on the 6th, I send it out on the 8th and got it back on the 17th.  So about 9 days total.  You have to keep in mind where you live in relation to the service center.  I live in Washington and the transit time is 4 days by standard ground UPS service.

I heard stories of people on the phone for hours trying to get the repair order, doing all the usual unplug this, turn that off etc and then wait months to get the console back.  So yes to me that's very fast service.

Why is it bad to praise good service by MS without having Sony fanboys like you flock in the question my statement?  Please note I didn't praise MS for their crappy hardware and never will.  I like how you have to add that your friend PS3 died because it his own fault.  Go read other forum like NeoGaf there are plenty of dead PS3 from bricking due to the multiple firmware updates, dead Blu-ray drive (most common) and the fail power unit.   Or you can look on eBay and see how many "as is" PS3 is up for sale.

And while you are there you can read all the horror story about some has to pay $160.00 to repair PS3 because someone didn't used the approve HDMI cable, or wait months to get back 60GB unit if you happen to be in Europe where 60GB are scarce.   But that doesn't make me question you if you telling the truth about your "friend".  If my PS3 ever died, I am sure hope I get the same great service.

You can be a fanboy but please don't be a troll.


mysticD said:
Gazz said:
mysticD said:

While I would rather not have to deal with hardware issue but I have to give a prop to MS for making it fast and painless.


Whats fast exactly? A friend of mine just had his PS3 crash (his own fault btw, but I suggested him to make a little white lie too) and they send a shiiping order by mail immidiatly and he had his PS3 back within a week. Ps3's might not have the huge failurerate that 360's do, but they also don't have the massive repaircenters that Ms needs to have. I only remember both my 360's being gone for 2 weeks at a time.


How long has it taken your 360 to return to be fast and painless in your book?

Well mine die on the 6th, I send it out on the 8th and got it back on the 17th.  So about 9 days total.  You have to keep in mind where you live in relation to the service center.  I live in Washington and the transit time is 4 days by standard ground UPS service.

I heard stories of people on the phone for hours trying to get the repair order, doing all the usual unplug this, turn that off etc and then wait months to get the console back.  So yes to me that's very fast service.

Why is it bad to praise good service by MS without having Sony fanboys like you flock in the question my statement?  Please note I didn't praise MS for their crappy hardware and never will.  I like how you have to add that your friend PS3 died because it his own fault.  Go read other forum like NeoGaf there are plenty of dead PS3 from bricking due to the multiple firmware updates, dead Blu-ray drive (most common) and the fail power unit.   Or you can look on eBay and see how many "as is" PS3 is up for sale.

And while you are there you can read all the horror story about some has to pay $160.00 to repair PS3 because someone didn't used the approve HDMI cable, or wait months to get back 60GB unit if you happen to be in Europe where 60GB are scarce.   But that doesn't make me question you if you telling the truth about your "friend".  If my PS3 ever died, I am sure hope I get the same great service.

You can be a fanboy but please don't be a troll.


still no harware is perfect, and even so both sony an nintendo failure rate are well below 2%.

still you are not hearing the good part of the story many of those like squilliam and making music got their ps3 repaired for free even after warranty expired.

on the other way m$ managed to get 10 million 360 broken to the market.


Domicinator said:
Zenfolder is saying his took 7 or 8 business days to come back. I'm hoping my experience is similar or shorter. I know this sounds pathetic, but I can't believe how much I miss my 360. I have all these games to play on my PC, but all the air has gone out of the balloon. Fable 2 comes out tomorrow and I can't play it. All I can do is look at my hard drive, wireless adapter, and cables sitting on my entertainment center not connected to anything.

Ah well, I'm still going to go to Gamestop tomorrow and get the game. Maybe I'll even pretend to be excited to get home and play it.

I know how you feel.  It was terrible not having my 360 for almost 2 weeks.  I was so giddy when I saw the UPS guy!

Anyway, I did finally finish Titan Quest on the PC while my 360 was in repair.


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You are obviously not reading my post. I didn't said once that Sony service is / was bad, but because I am reading about bad service by some Sony owner doesn't make me question about his anecdote regarding his friend's PS3.

I am sure there are plenty of people that get bad service from Microsoft I am just telling that I have a wonderful experience which is a nice thing. Of course Sony fanboys have to instantly question what is my meaning of "fast and painless" like I made that up to make MS look good. Please no one like their console dead after a year so I am no less piss at MS piss poor hardware but I do give credit when one is due. If I get great experience from Sony I am sure would be posting the same thing here.

Oh, since you also miss this bit of my post -

You can be a fanboy but please don't be a troll.

And to ask this again
How someone can check if he has the Jusper or Falcon model?

wii4ever said:
And to ask this again
How someone can check if he has the Jusper or Falcon model?


I've been looking around, and there's really no good way to tell, at least not yet.  You can try to go by date, but that's not always reliable.  Supposedly anything manufactured after August 08 is probably a Jasper, but who knows?