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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Has everyone forgotten about Motion+?

SmokedHostage said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Games that requires Motion Plus will fail from lack of userbase and games that don't require it won't produce much of an added effect through its use.

Wake up it's going to be a niche product just like every other add-on accesory, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, MS etc. have made for well over the past 2 decades. Remember the Nintendo Power Glove? Seda CD? Zapper Guns? Joysticks?History does not bode well for this product.


Around the Network
flagship said:
SmokedHostage said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Games that requires Motion Plus will fail from lack of userbase and games that don't require it won't produce much of an added effect through its use.

Wake up it's going to be a niche product just like every other add-on accesory, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, MS etc. have made for well over the past 2 decades. Remember the Nintendo Power Glove? Seda CD? Zapper Guns? Joysticks?History does not bode well for this product.


The Wii has managed to make history.. I'm sure this will just be another chapter in the "Legend" if you will.


Pixel Art can be fun.

exindguy said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

If you're going to troll, you could at least make a feeble attempt at making some sense since the words "Wii Sports, resort" aren't even in his post.

lol kingoffail always trolls




Isn't Wii Motion Plus packed with Wii Sports Resort? If that is true, that bundle will cause it to sell millions. It will be successful.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

flagship said:
SmokedHostage said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Games that requires Motion Plus will fail from lack of userbase and games that don't require it won't produce much of an added effect through its use.

Wake up it's going to be a niche product just like every other add-on accesory, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, MS etc. have made for well over the past 2 decades. Remember the Nintendo Power Glove? Seda CD? Zapper Guns? Joysticks?History does not bode well for this product.


In the beginning, not al PS2 games required the DualShock 2, and the system came with an analogue-less PS1 controller.  What a massive failure the Dual Shock was.


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Around the Network
flagship said:
SmokedHostage said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Games that requires Motion Plus will fail from lack of userbase and games that don't require it won't produce much of an added effect through its use.

Wake up it's going to be a niche product just like every other add-on accesory, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, MS etc. have made for well over the past 2 decades. Remember the Nintendo Power Glove? Seda CD? Zapper Guns? Joysticks?History does not bode well for this product.


History not boding well is one thing--dismissing it out of hand because of that history is naive, foolish and dumb, especially based on recent sales of the Wii Balance Board which, in sufficient time, might very well out-sell a number of historically succesful game platforms. I'd also submit you may be drawing the wrong conclusions from a faulty reading of that history.

For example(s), unless you are privvy to Nintendo's marketing plans for Motion Plus (insofar as what other games they might bundle with it) you are making a great many assumptions about the viability of a ~$20 peripheral in 2009 versus that of things like the Power Glove ($100 in 1989) Sega CD ($300 in 1992 and still managed to collect a fair few number of exclusive titles) and, say, the PC Engine CD-ROM which went on to be *more* popular than the cartridge format that spawned it (go ahead: make the argument that it was in Japan and, therefore, doesn't count but it certainly undermines your argument from history). Oh, and what about the Dual Shock controller? Does that count as a peripheral that would never be supported? I could go on, but would you want me to?

Finally, there is absolutey the possibility that Nintendo will build in the funtionality into Wii Remotes going forward, thus guaranteeing that, ultimately, the vast majority of Wii owners will have it whether they knowingly buy it or not.

it should have been included dya 1.... I'm not going to pay for it and I see no marginal benefit in having it. 09 looks weak for Ninty thus far but I'm sure it will get better.

I think about MotionPlus every day, and everytime I play a game that would have benefited (Samba De Amigo)

The Conduit has no need for Motion+, Wii's FPS controls rely on infrared, which is perfect as-is.

And make no mistake, Wii Sports Resort is a hardcore game. Motion+ means increased difficulty, the Waverace game looks as good as Waverace, 1:1 sword fighting is already causing a stir among journalists, and there will no doubt be rabid competition for high scores.

I still can't believe Nintendo is releasing MotionPlus, making their best feature better. It would be like Sony vastly upgrading PS3's graphics with a $20 add-on. It's the sort of thing that's usually reserved for a next gen.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

flagship said:
SmokedHostage said:
kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Games that requires Motion Plus will fail from lack of userbase and games that don't require it won't produce much of an added effect through its use.

Wake up it's going to be a niche product just like every other add-on accesory, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, MS etc. have made for well over the past 2 decades. Remember the Nintendo Power Glove? Seda CD? Zapper Guns? Joysticks?History does not bode well for this product.


Where does the balance board fit into your theory?


I think the reason people aren't talking that much about Wii MotionPlus is they really don't know what to expect ...

The first question a lot of people (probably) have is how well is it going to work. Obviously, Wii MotionPlus looks amazing in the videos and appears to live up to the expectations that people had for the original Wiimote but this doesn't mean that it will work this way in reality. On top of that questions about how many games will use it, how many games will require it, and whether it is going to lead to third party developers being more serious about their efforts on the will are also still unanswered.

Now, unlike what darthdevidem01 said, I don't think that Wii MotionPlus is a sign that "Wii Motion controlls weren't that great in the first place" anymore than new graphics-cards are a sign that the HD consoles weren't that great in the first place. Technology over the past several years has advanced to a point where they could improve upon their initial system at minimal cost to the user in such a way that developers would have the flexability to not use the new technology, to give the user the option to use it, or to require it for their games. I could be wrong but I expect Sony and Microsoft would also produce new addons to enhance their selling features if they could do it in such a painless way.