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Forums - Sales Discussion - How will the LBP sales be counted here?

Well hundreds of people (if not thousands) already have their hands on the game through broken street dates, and now the delay.

1.) will the site track those sales?

2.) will the site track the sales of those retailers who will sell anyway on oct. 21?

3.) without a definite release date, how will the site actually know who are selling and when they're doing it?

4.) overall, on what date will the site start counting LBP sales?


just for my curiousity.... i'm on of those people who have the game early btw.

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I'm not certain, but I'm certain it's like this. That's certain.

1. No. The site will probably not track those sales. VGChartz is getting info from stores, and stores are not going to report that they have broken the publisher's trust and admit that they have broken the release date.

2.  I believe ioi will, but this is guesswork. If he didn't track the sales, he would have the wrong sales for the official release, as that would increase several weeks of sales.

3. I believe the stores report in when they sell it, so I can't see the problem here.

4. Probably week ending 24th October 2008.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:

I'm not certain, but I'm certain it's like this. That's certain.

1. No. The site will probably not track those sales. VGChartz is getting info from stores, and stores are not going to report that they have broken the publisher's trust and admit that they have broken the release date.

2.  I believe ioi will, but this is guesswork. If he didn't track the sales, he would have the wrong sales for the official release, as that would increase several weeks of sales.

3. I believe the stores report in when they sell it, so I can't see the problem here.

4. Probably week ending 24th October 2008.


1) They may not have to admit it...they can just add the sales into their first week.  If they get 30 copies and only have 5 left they have to account for it somehow.  The numbers should make it in just fine.

2) Again I don't see why not, but I'm not intimate with the data collection process either.

3) Stores report in at regular intervals to my understanding, see point 1.

4) The first set of numbers should be up for that week, but it may very well include the full tally.


Also, any idea how widespread this is?  If it doesn't break into at least 5 figures its not ever going to be noticeable to us anyways.

To Each Man, Responsibility

tbh I think the companies will admit to VGChartz that they sold the games. They'll have to admit it to Sony, because presumably Sony is asking for the games back. Or are they just throwing them out? Such a waste

the numbers will be inconsequential.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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I just hope that the game achieves good sales regardless of this rule breaking

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Here I figured it out:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.....1 million...3 million

looks about right

kowenicki said:

I hope it achieves good sales if it deserves them.


We already know it deserves them.  One of the few games that actually does deserve to sell a lot


It's all about the game.

^^ I´m sure it deserves great sales and hopefully great reviews will help that... the real question is how the big mass of uninformed gamers will react to this... I´m sure lots of gamers have heard of it by now but since this is a new approche to a very classic but old game style its hard to tell how it will sell... I for example loved old school 2D jump and run but compared to games today its a very repetetive concept... sure LBP goes far bejond old 2D jump and run... but if customers are waiting for this kind of experiance has to be seen first... also this is the first console game that really focuses on map making and user created content... perhaps hordes will flock to this concept... but maybe only an elite few will keep doing this in the long run... I´m a lazy gamer and can´t see myself working on a level for two hours and have five minutes of gameplay... my brother on the other hand loves making Warcraft 3 maps for hours... so I´m very curious how this game will sell and how its long run appeal will turn out...




^ I definitely agree with that whole shpeel. I think there are VERY few people that would dislike the game if they got a chance to play it (I had no real intention on purchasing 'til I got in the beta. Now it's the only thing I think about lol :P) but they just have to have that chance. I'm a little worried that too many people will think they're badasses and are too mature to give it a try.

It's all about the game.