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^^ I´m sure it deserves great sales and hopefully great reviews will help that... the real question is how the big mass of uninformed gamers will react to this... I´m sure lots of gamers have heard of it by now but since this is a new approche to a very classic but old game style its hard to tell how it will sell... I for example loved old school 2D jump and run but compared to games today its a very repetetive concept... sure LBP goes far bejond old 2D jump and run... but if customers are waiting for this kind of experiance has to be seen first... also this is the first console game that really focuses on map making and user created content... perhaps hordes will flock to this concept... but maybe only an elite few will keep doing this in the long run... I´m a lazy gamer and can´t see myself working on a level for two hours and have five minutes of gameplay... my brother on the other hand loves making Warcraft 3 maps for hours... so I´m very curious how this game will sell and how its long run appeal will turn out...