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Forums - Sony Discussion - SOCOM PS3 - Review - 8.9

sharv33n said:
good score, i always liked IGN


umm.. this is not from IGN

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I agree that this game will be awesome... when they finally fix the server issues. Lots of unhappy early buyers for this game... but I think those that are patient will be rewarded.

Its great if you can actually get into a game.

THe server issues are completely unacceptable. I tried playing this game for 2 hours and actually only played for about 30 minutes. I payed $60 for a headset is what it boils down to right now.

This should have never came out in the condition it is in.

Nice score, might rent it or something later on.

I bought the bundle mainly for the headset (seriously its a bargain), and i never once played a Socom game before. But after trying this out its actually pretty good and well deserves that score. I thoroughly enjoyed creating my own characters altho i found it awkward that the Commando's were all like buff and muscular looking while the Merceneries were all skrawny and dirty loll none the less its a great game, and again..what a bargain that bundle is !! ^___^

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This game is really AWESOME! But my opinion isn't really constructive, I've been a Socom fan since Socom 2 O_O

Eh, I'm not a fan of Socom but I might get it for the headset. The beta just wasn't fun for me.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

How much better is the headset than the one that came with Warhawk?

So I guess Socom did great afterall. I just want to see the first week sales. It will probably be like 250,000 copies.


jankazimierz said:
How much better is the headset than the one that came with Warhawk?

I would also like an answer to this question, as I'm thinking of buying the bundle for the headset.
