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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else REALLY intimidated by LittleBigPlanet's level creator.

i'm playing it right now and hell i'm initimidated as hell

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^Tutorial nao.

If nothing else, you'll become totally addicted to playing other people's levels. Even the crappy ones can be damn fun with a couple of friends.

I went into the beta expecting to be enamored with the Create mode. I ended up spending 90% of my time just playing random user generated levels.

Not really, I just spent around 7-8 hours with my room mate working on a level. Heck, there were less problems with building than I experienced last week in the beta (which was my first time with the editor). I would say it's been promoting more exploration with the tools than fear.

Now I haven't really delved much into things like emitters, locks, and bolts, but we've been making due with other tools to get people through our level.

Nah, one game I was intimidated was Spore. There's no tutorial at all in Spore, but I still managed to create pretty amazing stuff! You simply got to try again and again until you get the hang of it. That's the fun thing about creators, it all comes from your soul and mind! xD

With tutorials in LBP, I'm sure it's going to be a lot easier. I'm not sure if I really want to watch them though, it feels like I'll be ''spoiling'' the whole experience if I do.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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SHMUPGurus said:
Nah, one game I was intimidated was Spore. There's no tutorial at all in Spore, but I still managed to create pretty amazing stuff! You simply got to try again and again until you get the hang of it. That's the fun thing about creators, it all comes from your soul and mind! xD

With tutorials in LBP, I'm sure it's going to be a lot easier. I'm not sure if I really want to watch them though, it feels like I'll be ''spoiling'' the whole experience if I do.


The Little Big Planet tutorials include minimal content. For example, the ones you're required to do before you can have access to many of the tools will pluck you from the level your working on and place you in a nearly empty level where a video starts, you're given a task to accomplish and an object or two to work on with only the tools available to complete the task. In fact, completing tutorials is required because they'll unlock more tools/items for you to use.

Now what could potentially aid or spoil your creativeness would be to play the singleplayer or multiplayer levels to see what other people are doing.

IllegalPaladin said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Nah, one game I was intimidated was Spore. There's no tutorial at all in Spore, but I still managed to create pretty amazing stuff! You simply got to try again and again until you get the hang of it. That's the fun thing about creators, it all comes from your soul and mind! xD

With tutorials in LBP, I'm sure it's going to be a lot easier. I'm not sure if I really want to watch them though, it feels like I'll be ''spoiling'' the whole experience if I do.


The Little Big Planet tutorials are mostly on the basic side. For example, the ones you're required to do before you can have access to many of the tools will pluck you from the level your working on and place you in an empty level where a video starts, you're given a task to accomplish and an object or two to work with. Numerous things, like the sacboy cut-out are things you might already have available.

Now what could potentially aid or spoil your creativeness would be to play the singleplayer or multiplayer levels to see what other people are doing.

Yeah, I've heard there are ways to make Sackboy shot bullets while floating with the jetpack and all... I would have never imagined something like that would be possible! There's even a guy that made a working calculator!

With that said, I'd prefer to find new stuff myself than downloading and editing an already existing level.


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Played the beta, the creation tool is very friendly to use, hella fun too.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)