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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else REALLY intimidated by LittleBigPlanet's level creator.

I think this game looks absolutely incredible and I would love to buy it, but I'm totally intimidated by the level creator. Even though the single player mode is supposed to be excellent, it's also short and not really the point of the game. The point is making and sharing levels and I fear that I may not have the patience to create levels. On the other hand, I could become totally addicted to making levels. I dunno. Oh well, I guess you could just play other people's levels without ever making any yourself right?

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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i aint intimidated by the game personally but i can see why some people could be and your post is full of win.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I know i will not be making any levels, due to the complexity of the editor and the my lack of imagination. But based on the beta i know i can play countless levels online and never need to make levels or feel the need to make them to feel complete with the purchase of this game.

Complexity? Load any editor on the PC.

Even if you don't create levels you can spend quite a bit of time playing user created content. Not to mention the tutorials. I'm also sure the ability to share pieces of levels will probably make the creation learning curve go down over time once you don't have to design everything from scratch. Even many of the reviewers weren't patient enough to create things themselves but managed to have a blast.

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I'm not, but you could be. It's got an hours worth of tutorials just to learn the basics of using it, and even creating a simple level can take hours. To create something really good it could take days or a week or two even to get your vision to come to life, and be playable. It's physics heavy which means there will be ALOT of play testing necessary if you're using anything mechanical (rockets especially), and with 3 fields of play it can take ALOT to construct a level layout just by itself.

But all of this also means it's incredibly deep, and anything in the single player campaign can be created by users. The possibility of incredible quality is there, but you have to want it because it will be an enormous investment of time. Personally I can't wait, the beta didn't even have everything you can use in it and I had alot of fun with the creator (alot of frustration too), and I definately intend on spending some time working on some levels. Even if every user only contribted 1 GOOD level and every 100 users made 1 GREAT level you wouldn't be able to play them all in your life time. So there will definately be plenty to play.


But as has been mentioned there are oodles of premade stuff. Machines, vehicles, enemies, even level lay outs are included. Even if you never made anything from scratch there are a ton of possibilities for creation. And the fact that all of these machines, vehicles, enemies, ect are shared between players that do make them from scratch just adds to it. You can be completely lazy and still make some cool levels.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

You shouldn't be. It was made to be simple. See some level building on youtube.

Besides, you'll have TONS of quality levels from other users. See the God of War level, SoTC level, LBP calculator.

twesterm said:
Complexity? Load any editor on the PC.

I can barley figure out how to get my computer to run on a daily basis, so i think i will skip that PC editor

its a rich editor, and easy to USE.

*raises hand*
