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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is the lacking 3rd party support a myth?

konnichiwa said:
It is not about Quantity but about Quality. I said it before the Wii needs a game like KH3 on the Wii and a lot of people will stop saying it lack 3dparty support.

Now that's something I've never heard of! xD

So... Like some people said here, it is indeed a myth. There is 3rd party support, but it's simply not what we're expecting (we're = gamers that post on gaming forums, meaning we obviously have a little background of hardcore gaming at some point or another). We obviously want more quality than quantity.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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CAL4M1TY said:
noname2200 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Yeah because the monster hunter series has a pedigree of being AAA titles and nothing else, right.....

Monster Hunter is a 70% game that moved to the Wii because it's dominating in Japan, the one region where quality of games don't matter or at least take 2nd place to the content of the games. Monster Hunter is huge in Japan, that's why it's on the Wii.

Wake me up when Capcom starts putting a new main series RE game on the Wii, Konami moves the main series castlevania or S-E moves KH, DQ or FF there.

Oh dear Lord...folks, I need 150cc's of reality STAT!

"The one region where quality of games don't matter"...tell me honestly, good sir, when did this miraculous turnabout occur? I know it couldn't possibly have been when Japan started rejecting the console of your choice, so I eagerly await your idenitification of the exact moment that Japan ceased to have "taste." By the by, if you use the word "non-game," or a synonym're an idiot. Fair warning.

I was going to write more, but I really want to see what you say first. This could be fun...


Not that long ago, PC gamers were making the exact same arguments against console gaming. It was ridiculous then as it is now. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

CAL4M1TY said:
noname2200 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
When there is an announcement on the level of FFXIII on the 360, then we'll know the Wii has full third party support.

You mean like pulling Monster Hunter 3 from the PS3 and shifting it to the Wii, or...?


Yeah because the monster hunter series has a pedigree of being AAA titles and nothing else, right.....

Monster Hunter is a 70% game that moved to the Wii because it's dominating in Japan, the one region where quality of games don't matter or at least take 2nd place to the content of the games. Monster Hunter is huge in Japan, that's why it's on the Wii.

Wake me up when Capcom starts putting a new main series RE game on the Wii, Konami moves the main series castlevania or S-E moves KH, DQ or FF there.


Never gonna happen. Include Ubiport in that list and we're all set :P

Those are the 4 companies that will not support the Wii this gen. (Alright Capcom may, but the rest definitely won't)

Other than those 4, Wii's support from every other company that actaully makes games for it, is getting better and better. I got no further complaints.


Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Third party support is still rather weak (the only game I'm planning to get in the near future is Little King's Story, which has been pushed back to early next year), but that's because 3rd parties are still making the transition from ps3/360 to Wii. The games will arrive aplenty next year.

Of course, third parties won't abandon the ps3/360 either. "Hardcore" games generally sell better on either the ps3 or 360 than they do on the Wii, so a multiplatform ps3/360 game is the way to go at the moment. Despite added development costs, the added sales of releasing on two consoles plus an extra $10 per game sold (though the devs probably get less than $5 of that) will ensure third party support for the ps3/360 for quite some time.

Of course, this is an issue of making a game for the Wii vs ps3/360.  More and more publishers could begin making games for all three, much like the Call of Duty 5.

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Check out my signature.
Yes, the Wii does have a lot of games, but that comes with being the best selling system.
The games themselves are pieces of monkey crap held together by more monkey droppings.

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85

mowe said:
Check out my signature.
Yes, the Wii does have a lot of games, but that comes with being the best selling system.
The games themselves are pieces of monkey crap held together by more monkey droppings.


And your sig is a perfect example of what Rol was talking about.  That citing meta-critic has largely replaced the meme of "3rd parties don't support the wii".

(but I am pretty sure I still see "3rd parties don't support the wii" at least a couple of time per week; I think it was just the week before last there was a huge discussion about the how wii could be the first console ever to win a gen without having the most games)


BMaker11 said:
konnichiwa said:
It is not about Quantity but about Quality. I said it before the Wii needs a game like KH3 on the Wii and a lot of people will stop saying it lack 3dparty support.



Its just a dream...


Groucho said:
nitekrawler1285 said:
Fuck major franchises. I thought the Wii was about new ways to play. games with 4,5,13 in the title don't sound all that new.


Mattel is bringing their heavy hitter to the Wii, via Activision... I think this week, actually.

Hell yeah!


Sorry I couldn't resist. This game WILL sell zillions, however, I have no doubt.

I feel like I just got Rick-rolled :(



the2bears - the indie shmup blog

First, it was there isn't any enough third party support.

Now it has become that there isn't enough good third party games.

Soon it will be there isn't enough money in my wallet because there are two many excellent third party games.

I'll come up with something better eventually...