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CAL4M1TY said:
noname2200 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Yeah because the monster hunter series has a pedigree of being AAA titles and nothing else, right.....

Monster Hunter is a 70% game that moved to the Wii because it's dominating in Japan, the one region where quality of games don't matter or at least take 2nd place to the content of the games. Monster Hunter is huge in Japan, that's why it's on the Wii.

Wake me up when Capcom starts putting a new main series RE game on the Wii, Konami moves the main series castlevania or S-E moves KH, DQ or FF there.

Oh dear Lord...folks, I need 150cc's of reality STAT!

"The one region where quality of games don't matter"...tell me honestly, good sir, when did this miraculous turnabout occur? I know it couldn't possibly have been when Japan started rejecting the console of your choice, so I eagerly await your idenitification of the exact moment that Japan ceased to have "taste." By the by, if you use the word "non-game," or a synonym're an idiot. Fair warning.

I was going to write more, but I really want to see what you say first. This could be fun...