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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is the lacking 3rd party support a myth?

RolStoppable said:
Griffin said:
Most of the third part support on the wii is shovelware at best.


The argument has shifted from "3rd parties don't support Nintendo" to "most of the 3rd party support is shovelware" quite some time ago. So in other words, now it's a quality issue and not a quantity issue.


 Some people need to get with the times then, because "3rd parties don't support Nintendo" still seems to come up pretty frequently around here.


(I read it so much I had just assumed it was true - despite being a wiifanboy; I only noticed the numbers I quoted in the OP by accident)

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It is not about Quantity but about Quality. I said it before the Wii needs a game like KH3 on the Wii and a lot of people will stop saying it lack 3dparty support.

Its a myth. There is the perception however that it lacks enough core games or some such. Which is debatable and most likely a myth (I wouldn't know I don't own a wii).

When there is an announcement on the level of FFXIII on the 360, then we'll know the Wii has full third party support.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
When there is an announcement on the level of FFXIII on the 360, then we'll know the Wii has full third party support.

You mean like pulling Monster Hunter 3 from the PS3 and shifting it to the Wii, or...?


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konnichiwa said:
It is not about Quantity but about Quality. I said it before the Wii needs a game like KH3 on the Wii and a lot of people will stop saying it lack 3dparty support.



At least for Japan, Monster Hunter 3 was a big deal. From all the reports from TGS, MH3 had some of the longest wait times for people wanting to play it.

For the US, it looks like GH:WT got a good deal of effort put into the Freestyle mode for the Wii.

I'm not saying that's a lot, but those are two of the biggest franchises in their respective regions.

frybread said:

'09 is the year of the Wii.

Quality games take 2-4 years to develop. Publishers pretty much forced developers to switch to Wii in 2007, a system they previously ignored, so that's why we're still waiting.

'09 is coming up, and we have MotionPlus on the way, so we'll be enjoying accurate motion gaming while other systems will be using old-fashioned controls.


I disagree, I would say the year of gaming for the Wii is actually 2010.


You're right about quality games usually requiring 2-4 years to develop, BUT that's assuming that developers have the tools already in place to make games first. That's why Gears and Resistance sequels can get popped out after only 2 years of development, because they have the foundation (gameplay, unreal engine, what ever engine Resistance uses).

Since no one believed the Wii would be a success, I doubt many developers would have started good 3rd party projects on the Wii (that they weren't originally planning) until 07 or even this year, so it'd be unlikely we see any period of time in 2009 where the Wii gets consecutive great 3rd party titles.

On topic: When people say Wii doesn't get 3rd party support, we mean 3rd party support for games GAMERS would actually play. So you can take out 99% of the mini game collection games as well as randomly crappy sports titles, in fact all the shovel ware. Once they are all taken out, you're looking at less then 100 (at best) 3rd party titles GAMERS COULD (not necessarily would) play.

noname2200 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
When there is an announcement on the level of FFXIII on the 360, then we'll know the Wii has full third party support.

You mean like pulling Monster Hunter 3 from the PS3 and shifting it to the Wii, or...?


Yeah because the monster hunter series has a pedigree of being AAA titles and nothing else, right.....

Monster Hunter is a 70% game that moved to the Wii because it's dominating in Japan, the one region where quality of games don't matter or at least take 2nd place to the content of the games. Monster Hunter is huge in Japan, that's why it's on the Wii.

Wake me up when Capcom starts putting a new main series RE game on the Wii, Konami moves the main series castlevania or S-E moves KH, DQ or FF there.


CAL4M1TY said:
frybread said:

On topic: When people say Wii doesn't get 3rd party support, we mean 3rd party support for games GAMERS would actually play. So you can take out 99% of the mini game collection games as well as randomly crappy sports titles, in fact all the shovel ware. Once they are all taken out, you're looking at less then 100 (at best) 3rd party titles GAMERS COULD (not necessarily would) play.

Simple questions: who gave you the right to define "gamers," and how does playing games not make you a gamer? Please, I'm VERY interested in hearing the justification for this elitism...