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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 1UP WiiMusic review in... A-

I knew this game whould not suck

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Isn't an A- on 1UP a 9.5? Well, I'm shocked to say the least :P
But they did give Boom Blox a A...

Still, this suggests the game is of at least decent quality. I don't know what to believe anymore ._.

Whoa. Even with simple games Nintendo shows that they make only quality stuff. In all honesty, the game turned to be FAR better than I expected. I don't think I'll ever buy it, because I'm not interested in the gameplay, but lots of other people will, and will probably like it.

Hahahahaha this makes me so happy! Every time people doubt Nintendo, and every time they prove them wrong. God bless you Miyamoto.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

RolStoppable said:
Griffin said:
FishyJoe said:
Griffin said:
I'm not surprised by the score, the game was reviewed by a non gamer who is a 34 year old lady with a toddler.

Good, we need more diversity in game reviewers.

I agree, its never a good thing to have people review a game that they are not a fan off.  If places are able to have reviewers from a wide demograhic then all sorts of games will get the scores they deserve based on the target audience.  No point having a sports fan review wii music, or Casual sort of gamer review MP or CoD.

I didn't expect that you see Mario Party as being as hardcore as Call of Duty.

I was suggesting Metriod Prime, i guess i should of used the full name.  I'm also not sure if you knew what i meant or you're just being yourself


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It's nice to see people acknowledging that this is indeed not shovelware, and the people that were looking forward to it aren't just blind Nintendo followers (er, some of them at least). It just isn't a game for everyone, that's all. I always knew the result would turn out to be something like this.

Now, judging by this post, I await Gamerace to swoop in and say "I told ya so."

dude17761991hatp said:
Hahahahaha this makes me so happy! Every time people doubt Nintendo, and every time they prove them wrong. God bless you Miyamot

The game is still crap to anyone who is not a Nintendo fanboy or some really casual gamer with small children.


Griffin said:
dude17761991hatp said:
Hahahahaha this makes me so happy! Every time people doubt Nintendo, and every time they prove them wrong. God bless you Miyamot

The game is still crap to anyone who is not a Nintendo fanboy or some really casual gamer with small children.


Wow... what good does this kind of trolling do for you? Honestly?

Who would have ever thought Wii Music would be an epic win at 1up, lol?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Well, everyone who likes Wii Music got their perfect opportunity with this review, and seems like they made the most of it. Those who hate the game should not suffer because I will create the same thread when IGN's review is up, and judging by the recent preview, we know how it will turn out, so those who think this game is shovelware should wait for their chance just a bit more