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Forums - Sales Discussion - Current XB360 lead on PS3, it must be admitted...

Alby_da_Wolf said:
If thanks to price cuts they sell more, they lose something in the immediate, but they get cost reductions before too and they sell more games and get more royalties. So it may cost now, but pay in future. Anyway IMHO the issue is that if even at the current price they can reach their sales goal, then a price cut isn't necessary. If cutting prices request rises so much that offer can't meet it, then they waste a price cut and lose money, so in this case a price cut would even backfire. But my initial point starting the thread was that this time MS timed the price cut well enough to leave Sony at least in partial uncertainty longer than they could hope, there is really a very little chance that Sony is really forced to offer price cuts to support sales, but if this should happen (very, very unlikely, even at its lowest PS3 is currently doing better than before last Xmas season, when its 9+ monts of WW sales dominance on XB started), Sony would have to react later than at the optimal time. So while this price cut had quite deceiving effects (last Autumn Halo 3 launch did much better), it has a longer lasting side effect that can at least console MS just a little bit.

All Microsoft has done is keep themselves in the red, and de-value their system.

I'm sure their hope was "Hey if we can't make money, then we'll cut our price, and hope Sony follows into the deep red oblivion".


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Username2324 said:

All Microsoft has done is keep themselves in the red, and de-value their system.

I'm sure their hope was "Hey if we can't make money, then we'll cut our price, and hope Sony follows into the deep red oblivion".



And follow they will or perish into oblivion

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

I am honestly reevaluating my stance on whether Sony will cut the MSRP on their console. I have to readjust my estimation of the situation given the economic situation. Most knowledgeable posters are well aware of my stance on the issue. I have placed Sony as putting a premium on finding profitability. Unfortunately given the economy at this point Sony will find itself in a position where profitability is not a possible solution to the given problem.

The reality is that Sony is acutely vulnerable to the economic downturn. They have been putting a greater focus into their hardware division, and unfortunately those product lines will find themselves squarely in the category of unnecessary luxuries. Those sales are going to see a drastic downturn due to a loss of optimism on the part of consumers. This holiday season is going to see more frugal shopping patterns, and that tends to mean more smaller ticket items. Not a few large ticket items.

Let me say this I fully expect that Sony is going to have solid losses in their home electronics divisions regardless of the price of their console. They are going to need to curtail production on many product lines, and are probably going to have no recourse other then discontinuing the production of many products. The picture is particularly grim. That said their console is actually a pristine example of where to place their prospects for the future.

The reality is that the consoles price is probably to extravagant for the current economic situation. I am not saying it will sell a little less. I am saying it will sell a lot less. The console is truly going to exceed the holiday budget for the overwhelming majority of consumers. Sony will either curtail production of the console, or they will find the public pain threshold. Those are probably the only two positions afforded for them. Curtailing production will actually drive the price up for the foreseeable future as cutting the costs will not be possible. So the console will have to maintain that price point through the entirety of the economic downturn. While increasing the losses per unit will have the effect of a more substantial loss.

This all said the console is actually a golden goose for Sony. The bird can and will eventually start to deliver on its promise once the global economy begins to rouse itself. With the hardware in homes Sony can start to regenerate those losses that they will incur now. To put it simply it will have been capitol only lost in the short term. Unlike other electronics which are permanent losses. So their console can help the company heal in the tail end. Not only that but it is still three product lines within one. The console can see their format through hard times, their technology through hard times, and a established brand that has a greater prolonged return on investment. Especially if the current economic situation delays the introduction of the next generation.

Ironically one of the consoles vices will have become a virtue, because it can sustain so many of Sony's properties through the lean times. Better to sustain them through a single product rather then half a dozen all losing capitol. I absolutely think Sony will bend to the economic pressure, and will place a large value on sustaining this brand. That means cutting other products and putting the resources into what is actually a silver lining.

I expect Sony to cut the price of their unit during the last week of November or the first week of December by one hundred dollars in North America. Yes they will eat some staggering losses, but they will explain to investors the value of having the console strong going into an economic recovery. This is not necessarily about competing with Microsoft or Nintendo. I honestly think Sony has little to no hope. Those consoles will be at easily digestible prices. However at a three hundred dollar price point the console can and will sustain itself. Which means in a year Sony can be looking at the line becoming a source of positive income.

twesterm said:

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

They aren't going to drop the price this year

There. One time for how many more analysts come up with some silly reason Sony *must* drop their price this holiday season will appear this week.



Username2324 said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
If thanks to price cuts they sell more, they lose something in the immediate, but they get cost reductions before too and they sell more games and get more royalties. So it may cost now, but pay in future. Anyway IMHO the issue is that if even at the current price they can reach their sales goal, then a price cut isn't necessary. If cutting prices request rises so much that offer can't meet it, then they waste a price cut and lose money, so in this case a price cut would even backfire. But my initial point starting the thread was that this time MS timed the price cut well enough to leave Sony at least in partial uncertainty longer than they could hope, there is really a very little chance that Sony is really forced to offer price cuts to support sales, but if this should happen (very, very unlikely, even at its lowest PS3 is currently doing better than before last Xmas season, when its 9+ monts of WW sales dominance on XB started), Sony would have to react later than at the optimal time. So while this price cut had quite deceiving effects (last Autumn Halo 3 launch did much better), it has a longer lasting side effect that can at least console MS just a little bit.

All Microsoft has done is keep themselves in the red, and de-value their system.

I'm sure their hope was "Hey if we can't make money, then we'll cut our price, and hope Sony follows into the deep red oblivion".


I think MS doesn't fully grok console market yet, although they are able to partially back their products up and annoy at least Sony thanks to their overwhelming cash availability. Anyhow this gen they are playing more cunningly than last, but how could they do worse? 


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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I don't know why Sony would consider dropping its price at this point in time. 360 sales aren't really being improved that much (to a point where Sony can't be competitive) by the 360's latest round of price cuts. As soon as the 80 gig PS3 is released in Japan it will once again routinely start selling twice what the 360 sells there each week. Even at half of the PS3's price in Europe, the 360 can only manage to sell 300 more units in a week ( and falling) than the does PS3, and in America, the 360 can't even break 100,000 units sold even at its current price. So with the PS3's strong holiday lineup and by far the strongest scheduled software library through the first quater '09, there is no reason for the PS3 to drop price unless they just want to cut a bit more rapidly into the 360's lead, but again with the strongest line up from now at least until the end of March '09, the PS3 should be doing that anyway.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.