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I don't know why Sony would consider dropping its price at this point in time. 360 sales aren't really being improved that much (to a point where Sony can't be competitive) by the 360's latest round of price cuts. As soon as the 80 gig PS3 is released in Japan it will once again routinely start selling twice what the 360 sells there each week. Even at half of the PS3's price in Europe, the 360 can only manage to sell 300 more units in a week ( and falling) than the does PS3, and in America, the 360 can't even break 100,000 units sold even at its current price. So with the PS3's strong holiday lineup and by far the strongest scheduled software library through the first quater '09, there is no reason for the PS3 to drop price unless they just want to cut a bit more rapidly into the 360's lead, but again with the strongest line up from now at least until the end of March '09, the PS3 should be doing that anyway.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.