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It came with PES08 and it was a month before MGS4 release and I bought grand theft auto 4, GTA4 sucks!!

F.U. Fun University.

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I'm a big fan of sony playstation's so...

I will buy a wii eventually, but the games out right now are not my taste.
I dont pay for M$ product they all have very low quality. Anyway i don't play FPS on consoles i have a PC for that.

I lke my PS2, so, got me a ps3 with BC, MGS4 that i like a lot and i like GoW, GT and RPGs.

[note] where i life i cant run the risk of buying a 360 cus if it  RROD on me, i cant send it to MS, on the other hand, i had my PS2 since 2002 and gave it to a friend a week ago, he is still playing with no prob, thats quality.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

A few reasons, I got a good deal on one, I wanted a "next-gen" system next to my wii, and I wanted a blu-ray player=PS3

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Will get one because of its solid exclusive lineup and the sony first party.

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CAL4M1TY said:
I bought one because I thought Final Fantasy 13 and Kingdom hearts 3 would go exclusively to PS3.

Obviously I'm 50% burned because of that (I sold my 360 to get a PS3).

But because of CoD4 being available on PS3, I stand by my choice.

that one :P. but i still love it


Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)

Found a US 60 gig for $200 bucks. Its not really worth it for me....yet but most likely will be by the time the system costs $200 new. Its cool being able to play my PS2 games Wirelessly though.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

i usually buy all the new consoles anyways so ps3 wasnt to hard of a choice to get.

i bought one a couple of months after it cameout for £399

ever since i bought my ps3 ive been on it ever since, it truly is a remarkable machine that has many add-on uses such as bluray and browsing. ps3 has provided me with stunning games to play and the fall 2008 lineup is killer! 2009 games look to be even better, just look at heavy rain and killzone

at £299 with a game its a great time to buy one

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I bought my ps3 because I had only good experience with Sony's consoles. My ps1+2 still work and will also buy a ps4 when the time comes. Sony knows how to do it, and there is no other console that can satisfy my gaming need as good as the ps3 does.

It is the successor of the PS2.