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Forums - Gaming Discussion - bioshock 2 teaser


so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?


I don't think the 360 had exclusivity to begin with. Pretty sure it's gettin released on PC as well.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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So do we all agree that PC-360 games are NOT considered "exclusive" now? It seems to be the general perception around here.

darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.


I meant timed exclusive

was bioshock a release on both at the same time originally??

or like GEOW n Halo?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


ok...well if we put it into perspective...then its a lost exclusive for 360/PC

especially cus everyone calls GTA 4 n DQ 9 a lost Ps3 exclusive when it was just "assumed" they would be exclusive.....despite GTA SA being on Xbox 1....


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


ok...well if we put it into perspective...then its a lost exclusive for 360/PC

especially cus everyone calls GTA 4 n DQ 9 a lost Ps3 exclusive when it was just "assumed" they would be exclusive.....despite GTA SA being on Xbox 1....


You're just wording it differently. I was answering about Bioshock 2 the game. You are referring to it in terms of a franchise. For example, Sony didn't lose exclusivity of Dragon Quest IX, they lost exclusivity of the franchise itself. DQIX was always going to the DS. Now Monster Hunter 3 is both a loss as an exclusive game and as a franchise because Capcom had plans on developing it on PS3 and then changed their minds.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


ok...well if we put it into perspective...then its a lost exclusive for 360/PC

especially cus everyone calls GTA 4 n DQ 9 a lost Ps3 exclusive when it was just "assumed" they would be exclusive.....despite GTA SA being on Xbox 1....


You're just wording it differently. I was answering about Bioshock 2 the game. You are referring to it in terms of a franchise. For example, Sony didn't lose exclusivity of Dragon Quest IX, they lost exclusivity of the franchise itself. DQIX was always going to the DS. Now Monster Hunter 3 is both a loss as an exclusive game and as a franchise because Capcom had plans on developing it on PS3 and then changed their minds.


I agree on MH3 completely....but not on DQ

BTW just saying I accidently looked at some spoilers of bioshock 2 due to these bioshock 2 trailer topics on Vg chartz....n the Ps3 ones coming out next week. Its kinda ruined all of boshock for me now :(

but I think I'll still buy it



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


ok...well if we put it into perspective...then its a lost exclusive for 360/PC

especially cus everyone calls GTA 4 n DQ 9 a lost Ps3 exclusive when it was just "assumed" they would be exclusive.....despite GTA SA being on Xbox 1....


You're just wording it differently. I was answering about Bioshock 2 the game. You are referring to it in terms of a franchise. For example, Sony didn't lose exclusivity of Dragon Quest IX, they lost exclusivity of the franchise itself. DQIX was always going to the DS. Now Monster Hunter 3 is both a loss as an exclusive game and as a franchise because Capcom had plans on developing it on PS3 and then changed their minds.


I agree on MH3 completely....but not on DQ

BTW just saying I accidently looked at some spoilers of bioshock 2 due to these bioshock 2 trailer topics on Vg chartz....n the Ps3 ones coming out next week. Its kinda ruined all of boshock for me now :(

but I think I'll still buy it



Sorry about the spoilers. Normally I would ask everyone to black them out, but the deadline for spoilers becomming common knowledge is 12 months, and Bioshock is 13 months old.

I'm not sure why you don't agree on DQ. Do you have something off the internet stating Square had intentions on putting the ninth game on the PS3 first? A lost exclusive is something like Final Fantasy XIII, Tekken 6, Eternal Sonata, Devil May Cry 4, etc. DQ switched allegiances. I'm sure it feels just as bitter, but there is a difference. My point was that "assuming" doesn't count towards lost exclusivity. "Assuming" is just people on message boards talking out of their asses again and not having any hard evidence like usual.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Onyxmeth said:
darthdevidem01 said:

so this is definetely on PS3

so did 360 loose bioshock 2 as an exclusive?

The 360 never had exclusivity of Bioshock 2. When the platforms were announced, it was announced as 360/PS3/PC. Before then, it was just being assumed.


ok...well if we put it into perspective...then its a lost exclusive for 360/PC

especially cus everyone calls GTA 4 n DQ 9 a lost Ps3 exclusive when it was just "assumed" they would be exclusive.....despite GTA SA being on Xbox 1....


You're just wording it differently. I was answering about Bioshock 2 the game. You are referring to it in terms of a franchise. For example, Sony didn't lose exclusivity of Dragon Quest IX, they lost exclusivity of the franchise itself. DQIX was always going to the DS. Now Monster Hunter 3 is both a loss as an exclusive game and as a franchise because Capcom had plans on developing it on PS3 and then changed their minds.


I agree on MH3 completely....but not on DQ

BTW just saying I accidently looked at some spoilers of bioshock 2 due to these bioshock 2 trailer topics on Vg chartz....n the Ps3 ones coming out next week. Its kinda ruined all of boshock for me now :(

but I think I'll still buy it



Sorry about the spoilers. Normally I would ask everyone to black them out, but the deadline for spoilers becomming common knowledge is 12 months, and Bioshock is 13 months old.

I'm not sure why you don't agree on DQ. Do you have something off the internet stating Square had intentions on putting the ninth game on the PS3 first? A lost exclusive is something like Final Fantasy XIII, Tekken 6, Eternal Sonata, Devil May Cry 4, etc. DQ switched allegiances. I'm sure it feels just as bitter, but there is a difference. My point was that "assuming" doesn't count towards lost exclusivity. "Assuming" is just people on message boards talking out of their asses again and not having any hard evidence like usual.


sorry I misread your post badly about DQ :(


I think I'll just stay away from Bioshock 2 threads until I finish Bioshock then


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey