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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

Dodece said:
Firstly I would like to say that the Sony fanatics need to stop with the whining. You are not entitled to anything. Buying your console did not entitle you to certain titles. Stop behaving like spoiled brats for goodness sake. Sony owes you, and not the third parties. People who own something have a right to use it as they see fit. Your assumptions are what is at fault here not third parties or even companies you do not do business with.

Sony had the opportunity, and they may have used it to secure permanent exclusivity. Now if they had not done so then that would be a failure of Sony. Not a failure of Konami, and most certainly it would not be a failure of Microsoft to secure another good title for their library. Microsoft would have done right by their customers while Sony would have done poorly for their customers.

Microsoft is not stealing games from Sony. Microsoft is securing games for their console. They are doing this by having a better financial framework in place for their console. They are obviously providing better financial incentives, and better support to third parties. I cannot see what Microsoft is doing here as bad for the industry or for gamers.

Obviously Microsoft's public relations are going to be strong on their console, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is false. Anymore then Konami talking up the exclusivity is necessarily true. What I do know is that where there is a will there is usually a way. The only question is really the competence of the developer. Some developers can spin straw into gold, and others cannot.

personally, i think sony to an extent are able to 'secure', these games if they really wanted to. but i think they're heading in a new direction. they want to house as many of their top games on their console as possible (like nintendo), so they're making new ones. i don't think sony wants to waste their time on franchises in their 4th, 5th, 6th, and 13th itterations. 

this is great because it means that their success won't lie entirely on third party developers. they probably realise that at a financial standpoint, they can't all out compete with ms, and even if they could, the price to secure exclusivity could soar to unneccesary heights. what would be the point after that?


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V-r0cK said:
Anything is possible if people want a poorly ported watered-down version. Like Dead Rising for the Wii lol


I don't think MS would accept a watered down version it's not as if 360 is lacking in quality games.

I also imagine 360 would handle it no problem.





It's still being discussed XEN because it's still a possibility. One PR person says one thing, another PR person says another thing. If they think that financially it's a smart move they are going to do it.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
It's still being discussed XEN because it's still a possibility. One PR person says one thing, another PR person says another thing. If they think that financially it's a smart move they are going to do it.

As much a possibilty as Gears of War on the PS3 is.


DOATS1 said:
how the hell would he know?



How the hell would anyone on this fourm know?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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gera4390 said:
MGS4 360 = 2D

I'm in the middle of class (large lecture)...and I chuckled at this...and a lot of people looked at me


Everstar said:

How the hell would anyone on this fourm know?



who said anyone on this forum knew?

i said "how the hell would he know",

i never said "how he hell did he know? he must have visited the vgchartz forums"

*inserts pic of peter moore holding up the xbox 360 while saying "it can do everything the ps3 can, it just explodes trying"*

Check out my game about moles ^

btw to anyone saying it would be cheap, they would have to completely redesign/rearrange the way the engine is built since it's made to take advantage of the ps3's design. It would be very expensive.

Check out my game about moles ^

Too many PS3 fans in this thread. I think the mods should just close every MGS4 thread regarding the 360 until one of them actually says Konami officially announces or officially shuts down the idea of a 360 port.

Here's a few paraphrases:

"Waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa... but... but..t... Kojima said he didn't want it on 360!"

First of all, Konami published the game, so following Kojima's word is just out of respect. But Konami has proven previously that respect means zero against a solid (excuse the pun) business decision. Case in point, Metal Gear Solid games appearing on Xbox and Gamecube.

"Kojima himself said that it isn't possible on the 360"

Does anyone actually know what aspect of the game, or rather what component of the PS3's that makes this impossible? The only real difference between the two consoles is blu-ray, which is easily solved by multiple discs.

Unless anyone can prove otherwise that it is CELL or any other component of the PS3 that makes it impossible on the 360, please, STFU.

"An Action game with multiple dvd's is a joke" <--- From someone in this thread

So, please tell me how the 2 minute installs are different from disc swapping? aside from obviously getting up changing discs.

You say MGS4 is action packed (and yes one act in particular is very intense), but how does the install before/afterwards differ from a disc change in that aspect? You have to push a button to start a new act after the install, so you can basically take a breather, or have a smoke, or whatever. Changing discs also affords you the same break time because the action restarts when you put the disc in.

Benefit of the disc change is that YOU decide when the action restarts, as opposed to the action restarting after at least 2 minutes.

Also, by the 3rd time, I was sick to death of watching Snake Smoke.

"It'll require multiple discs, ROFL 360 FAIL AND DIE!"

Seeing as how the people this issue would effect (360 owners) don't give a crap, how does saying this hurt them?


END: Clearly the only people tasting sour grapes over this are the PS3 fanboys who don't want to see an exclusive go multiplatform, clearly showing that sales are more important than gaming. This is a game sales site I know, but we should all be gamers first, and gamers want a good game to get as much spotlight as possible.