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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

It would be more than a dvd a chapter, by my calculations around 1.5 dvd's per chapter with mandatory installations needed so no playing on the Arcade


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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drpunk said:
Skeeuk said:
an action game on multiple dvd`s is a joke.

Yeah, imagine having to wait a bit between acts.





well funnily enough when i was on my playthrough, the 2min mandotory installs when snake has a ciggerette, i used to spark one up also:) each act is so full to the brim of technical feats that it had to have little installs between each acts.

the game is just huge technically, belive me have a play through and you will see

and it all fits on 1 bluray

mgs4 has better grafix and sound than any 360 game, and the replayability is immense

the game is a 10/10 according to almost all major reviewrs, and its certainly a 10 according to me, i predict after 12 months mgs4 might possibly come to 360, but like i said the best version is already out.

i would rather have the game as it is, than have the game on 6 dvd`s

if it did come out i doubt it would have that many dvd`s as microsoft put a heavy levy on multiple gamed disks from 3rd partys, so it would obviously have to shrink down thus cutting down wat mgs4 is in the 1st place.

i choose to have the game as it is now with me, i have 0 plans to buy a dumbed down version.

mgs4 is on ps3, combine that with all the other stella games out this year, its a great time to buy a ps3:) what a year 2008 will have been

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I seriously doubt this is gonna happen, but come on, what else is someone from microsoft gonna say?

'yeah sorry but, our machine sucks, it cant handle it. Dont link us with these great games please'

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

MGS4 360 = 2D

F.U. Fun University.

V-r0cK said:
Anything is possible if people want a poorly ported watered-down version. Like Dead Rising for the Wii lol



This is accurate. Though the extent of the down grade is another matter. Anything else is just ignoring common sense.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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Firstly I would like to say that the Sony fanatics need to stop with the whining. You are not entitled to anything. Buying your console did not entitle you to certain titles. Stop behaving like spoiled brats for goodness sake. Sony owes you, and not the third parties. People who own something have a right to use it as they see fit. Your assumptions are what is at fault here not third parties or even companies you do not do business with.

Sony had the opportunity, and they may have used it to secure permanent exclusivity. Now if they had not done so then that would be a failure of Sony. Not a failure of Konami, and most certainly it would not be a failure of Microsoft to secure another good title for their library. Microsoft would have done right by their customers while Sony would have done poorly for their customers.

Microsoft is not stealing games from Sony. Microsoft is securing games for their console. They are doing this by having a better financial framework in place for their console. They are obviously providing better financial incentives, and better support to third parties. I cannot see what Microsoft is doing here as bad for the industry or for gamers.

Obviously Microsoft's public relations are going to be strong on their console, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is false. Anymore then Konami talking up the exclusivity is necessarily true. What I do know is that where there is a will there is usually a way. The only question is really the competence of the developer. Some developers can spin straw into gold, and others cannot.

If RE4 can be put on PS2 after originating on the gamecube I think they can manage to put MGS4 on 360. It might take some hits, but they would be minor compared to RE4 on PS2. The difference between 360 and PS3 isn't as huge as tretton and other sony PR people would have the public believe.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Why is this still being discussed?

Skeeuk said:


 well funnily enough when i was on my playthrough, the 2min mandotory installs when snake has a ciggerette, i used to spark one up also:) each act is so full to the brim of technical feats that it had to have little installs between each acts.

the game is just huge technically, belive me have a play through and you will see

and it all fits on 1 bluray

mgs4 has better grafix and sound than any 360 game, and the replayability is immense

the game is a 10/10 according to almost all major reviewrs, and its certainly a 10 according to me, i predict after 12 months mgs4 might possibly come to 360, but like i said the best version is already out.

i would rather have the game as it is, than have the game on 6 dvd`s

if it did come out i doubt it would have that many dvd`s as microsoft put a heavy levy on multiple gamed disks from 3rd partys, so it would obviously have to shrink down thus cutting down wat mgs4 is in the 1st place.

i choose to have the game as it is now with me, i have 0 plans to buy a dumbed down version.

mgs4 is on ps3, combine that with all the other stella games out this year, its a great time to buy a ps3:) what a year 2008 will have been

Keep telling yourself all that.

If you owned a PS2 then do you believe that Xbox owners had more fun on their games with better graphics?

Did the gamecube owners enjoy RE4 more than the PS2 owners cos of better graphics, or did the PS2 owners enjoy their game more because they didn't need to swap discs?

Personally, I reckon they all got the same enjoyment out of them. And that would be true for MGS4 on 360. It might not be on an true par with the PS3 version, but I don't think that'd stop someone enjoying it as much as if they played it on PS3.


No, I can't believe it!!
Kojima lied :'(