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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

@Zen What !? MGS3 was 1 disc >_>. Unless your talking about MGS3 : Substanance :P

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Yeah Zen only the first MGS was on two discs. Everything past that was on a single.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Kojima said no so i agree with him, he should know after all he did create the game, and may i ad that this game is built around the ps3's strengths, and this game has a lot going on screen at one given time. One word for this game would be SCALE.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

And if it was not possible on X360 do you think the MS pr guy would say that? Of course he is going to say it is possible on X360.

And LOLZ @Zen.

Man, threads like these really show just how big whining babies people can be. Especially you Xen. What's it to you, or any other ps3 owner for that matter, if MGS4 goes multi? It'll only result in the game having higher sales.

I'm confident that the xbox360 has more than enough horsepower to run the game, who cares on how many discs? Seriously, you guys are grabbing on to any half-assed details that you normally wouldn't even think of.

I don't think that xbox owners would ever bitch about such trivial matters as current Sony loyalists.

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

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If one more idiot says that Kojima-sama said that it wasn't possible I swear to god I'll be PSMing this damn link to you every time you post it. It's not impossible and saying so is an insult to the team that developed the game. To think that these guys couldn't get the game to work on the 360 without any fidelity loss is mind boggling.

880user088 said:
weather it can be played on 360 or not ... microsoft must stop stealing games from PS3 ..... OKAY ?


lol okay.  i'll tell them to stop.

Menago KF said:
Man, threads like these really show just how big whining babies people can be. Especially you Xen. What's it to you, or any other ps3 owner for that matter, if MGS4 goes multi? It'll only result in the game having higher sales.

I'm confident that the xbox360 has more than enough horsepower to run the game, who cares on how many discs? Seriously, you guys are grabbing on to any half-assed details that you normally wouldn't even think of.

I don't think that xbox owners would ever bitch about such trivial matters as current Sony loyalists.


 Serious are you blind or did you you missed all this kind of post the last days ' Ps3 loses another exclusive I want so see their tears'?  it is annoying me as hell.

konnichiwa said:
Menago KF said:
Man, threads like these really show just how big whining babies people can be. Especially you Xen. What's it to you, or any other ps3 owner for that matter, if MGS4 goes multi? It'll only result in the game having higher sales.

I'm confident that the xbox360 has more than enough horsepower to run the game, who cares on how many discs? Seriously, you guys are grabbing on to any half-assed details that you normally wouldn't even think of.

I don't think that xbox owners would ever bitch about such trivial matters as current Sony loyalists.


 Serious are you blind or did you you missed all this kind of post the last days ' Ps3 loses another exclusive I want so see their tears'?  it is annoying me as hell.

Yes, this too.

Another reason is that if the PS3 doesn't have many exclusives - why buy it? I want Sony to take 2nd place, not MS.


I'm with Konnichiwa on this one. There have been a few people during this whole debacle that I've heard unfortunate comments from. Reasonable 360 fans relishing in not just the possibility of a game coming to 360, but the loss of an exclusive for the PS3.
