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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

Xbox Live boss tells MCV he’d “love to see Kojima’s masterpiece on our machine”

Microsoft’s Xbox Live boss has told MCV that Xbox 360 definitely has the power to “handle” Metal Gear Solid 4 – and talked of his admiration for “Kojima-san’s masterpiece”.

John Schappert, the firm's corporate vice-president of Live, Software and Services, said that he would “love to see the game come to 360", and boasted of Xbox’s “horsepower”.

His comments came after Konami’s Yoshitaka Arai allegedly told a Japanese newspaper: “The worldwide demand for an Xbox 360 version of MGS4 is quite high, and it is something we are currently looking in to.”

Sony US boss Jack Tretton previously told MCV that MGS4 on Xbox 360 was an "impossibility"


So what was all the pre release stuff saying it couldnt handle it about?

Just PR?





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Tretton's right. MGS4 would have to be cut down in places in order for it to work for the 360.

But, who the hell cares about it anyway ?

So the head of MS says it possible and the person who made the game and looked into the architecture of the PS3 and 360 says it isn't true... I wonder who is right The game creator or the PR fellow.

MGS4 topic 2 million and how many now?

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


weather it can be played on 360 or not ... microsoft must stop stealing games from PS3 ..... OKAY ?

Of course it can handle it no problem. Question is -> at what development price ...

"OOh but noooo, you need da blue rayyy thingy ..."

I have a software architecture proposition : The advantage of the BR only helps in storing the massive amount of FMW (...) why not releasing MGS4 on a single DVD (like every other games) and stream the cutscenes via XBLA ?


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

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Probably can, But IT Can NOT Handle "Kojima's Vision of MGS4"

blazinhead89 said:
Probably can, But IT Can NOT Handle "Kojima's Vision of MGS4"

Yup. Even the PS3 didn't manage to.


What Xen said.

Well what else do you expect a MS exec to say on the matter?

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"

the game is a ps game all the way through, it would have to come on multiple dvd on 360, with a seperate one for the online.

an action game on multiple dvd`s is a joke.

the game would have to be shrunk down to accomodate, im glad its out on ps3 anyways and going forward ps3 has the better titles upcoming.

i think it may end up on 360 later on, but the best version is already out

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...