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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN did NOT like Wii Music

c0rd said:
RolStoppable said:
If nothing else, the "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" video shows that it takes skill to make good sounding music.

So the truth comes out - hardcore gamers' music skills are horrific. They don't want Wii Music coming out, because if there is ever a time they're forced to play it, it'll show how meaningless their Guitar Hero / Rock Band skills are.

@Soma: I don't really know much about him, I just saw his review of Endless Ocean (sort of a non-game), and he seemed to like it.

Yeah he liked Endless Ocean, that was weird O_O, it seems it appealed to him. Usually he is the one that cries more though


Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

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famousringo said:
NiKKoM said:

Well yeah.. if you play it like this.. it sucks..


Yeah, if you have absolutely no sense of rhythm, I can see why you'd prefer a different game. A game which tells you exactly what rhythm to play on.


You know I did care about wii music one way or another until I saw this, now I can say it is absolutely awesome, Nintendo knew exactly what they were doing with it,


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

besides blaming Wii Fit, why didn't IGN rate it yet?
Do they not give final ratings till release day now?

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Veggie said:
Jo21 said:
Rab said:
BornFirst. said:

After i saw this video, i am so excited for this game, give it a watch

That was an excellent performance!!!



foreword the video to about 5 min in (too much useless talk.)



there no competition what so ever, still its not fun.

there is no point in playing it, it doenst even teach you to play instrument.

if making sounds waggling its fun i prefer to have fun learning how to play real instruments or getting high score in guitar hero.



I don't think anyone totted this game saying it will teach you to play the instruments. Guitar Hero doesn't teach you how to play a guitar either.


That makes the game look half fun to be honest, i just wouldnt really call it a video game, even though it is something you play. I think i could play that with my niece to be honest i think she would enjoy it lots, might just pick her one up.

On a 2nd thought i dont want to add to those Wii sales so i thik i will pass, its a shame though she will enjoy she better not see a comercil about it becus ethen i wil have to deffo get it her.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

BornFirst. said:

After i saw this video, i am so excited for this game, give it a watch

That was an excellent performance!!!



foreword the video to about 5 min in (too much useless talk.)

I said wow. I didn't realize there was that much to it.

It's like the people bitching are going against a frabricated image and the game itself is a completely different beast.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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I think this review was quite biased and harsh. I'm not saying he HAS to love the game and give it a 10 but they didn't seem to many any kind of effort at all into understanding what's behind this.

It's not a music game where you need to get technical or press X button at certain time to get high scores. It's about enjoying music without the technical part, let creativity flow and try to make it sound good.

An example: I love to play music on a keyboard but all I can do is do simple songs learned by ear. I never bothered to learn because I just want to play music for fun. How can I play music, enjoy it but make it sound right?

See this is where Wii music comes in. I'm still not sure I'll buy it. I must admit it looks more interesting now that I understand what it is but, I'm not exactly convinced about spending my money for it.

What's your point?? Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit hardly got good reviews

SaviorX said:
I'm actually a little interested in this game. I think (not sure) you can make your own songs, by going back and looping one instrument over the other.

It would be like the Fruity Loops program on my Wii. Plus you can send those songs to other people and do other neat things I think (not sure). I doubt it is the grabage wagglefest they say it is. It has several elements but they kind of brisked over those in an effort to preview it negatively.

I'll reserve judgment after several reviews and maybe a rental.


This post has convinced me to buy a Wii in February when I get my income tax.  I also wanna try wii fit now.

You know, I wonder sometimes if the bad reviews of Super Mario Brothers were centered around players who spent most of their time complaining about the fact that you can die by walking into enemies, falling into pits, and running out of time...

Of course Wii Music is going to sound horrible if you flail around with no rhythm or sense of pitch. It's not a rote memorization and timing game like Guitar Hero or Elite Beat Agents, it's a true rhythm game.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

BornFirst. said:

After i saw this video, i am so excited for this game, give it a watch

That was an excellent performance!!!



foreword the video to about 5 min in (too much useless talk.)


WOW, they should had shown this guy at E3! Let's send this immediately to Matt Cassamassina! 



Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069