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I think this review was quite biased and harsh. I'm not saying he HAS to love the game and give it a 10 but they didn't seem to many any kind of effort at all into understanding what's behind this.

It's not a music game where you need to get technical or press X button at certain time to get high scores. It's about enjoying music without the technical part, let creativity flow and try to make it sound good.

An example: I love to play music on a keyboard but all I can do is do simple songs learned by ear. I never bothered to learn because I just want to play music for fun. How can I play music, enjoy it but make it sound right?

See this is where Wii music comes in. I'm still not sure I'll buy it. I must admit it looks more interesting now that I understand what it is but, I'm not exactly convinced about spending my money for it.