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Forums - Sony Discussion - Circuit City knocks $15 off LittleBigPlanet PS3

Damn. This is tempting. Too bad i hate shopping online and am still unsure about LBP.

I do think it will be awesome. I'm just not convinced it will be as awesome as stuff i can already get on PC that will be more flexable.

The Circuit City by me closed years ago. Apparently there is another one somewhere fairly near me but i've never seen it.

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It's funny how $15 off for LBP is a Godsend but $20 off another game means it bombed.

twesterm said:
It's funny how $15 off for LBP is a Godsend but $20 off another game means it bombed.

I wonder what the difference is between a game that has been out for several weeks and one that isn't coming out for a week. Hmm, I'm just not thinking of it. Would you know Tommy?




twesterm said:
It's funny how $15 off for LBP is a Godsend but $20 off another game means it bombed.



I was just going to say the exact same thing.

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flagship said:
twesterm said:
It's funny how $15 off for LBP is a Godsend but $20 off another game means it bombed.



I was just going to say the exact same thing.


 I don't think it will bomb in sales if you se amazon and gamestop web site you se LBP in the top five or ten in sales and preorders for more than a month now.

outlawauron said:
HoodFigga said:
Very interesting and a nice deal. Word on the street is that Circuit City is may file for bankruptcy as early as Jan. 2009. If true, I wonder if they will mark down HD TVs and other items.

While Circuit City is struggling out of there minds, they are in the right direction. I am an employee of the new idea (The City) and we are doing much better than the core stores. Every new CC store is called "The City" to be a much more customer friendly environment. (Basically Best Buy with good customer service)

This announce greatly excites me. A $15 gift card on top of an employee discount! Huzzah!

Thanks for the insight. Some of my friends always look at stocks and said their shares have been steadily dropping. Doing a little research I just came across an article where analyst were predicting their future, but of course their not always right. I'm glad to hear that everything is moving in the right direction.

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twesterm said:
It's funny how $15 off for LBP is a Godsend but $20 off another game means it bombed.

Circuit City gives away gift cards with game purchases all the time. I got one with Final Fantasy 4, DQ4, and Dead Space. This isn't a special practice for this game. This is a giveaway almost every week. Check the ad before the hate.

@ HoodFigga

I don't think CC is doing all that well, but they're trying to stay afloat.

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LBP price drop already Megabomba confirmed At this rate, we'll see it in the bargain bin 2 days before it comes out">">