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Forums - General Discussion - Who here smokes/drinks or plans on doing so?

When I was 5, I could have drank a sip or smoke a puff

but now I don't or plan to.

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chapset said:
i used to smoke the blunts when i was in high school but i stop after graduation and for drinking the last time was june 7 2008, i always end up sick when i drink so i try to (éviter) that



I'm not planning on doing either. Both are a waste of money and huge health risks, not worth it imo.

Smoke, no. I think it's nasty personally, granted people look pretty cool doing it...except the ones that don't...actually it doesn't look that cool unless Carry Grant is doing it...or bruce willis...and some other cool people...I guess really cool people look cool doing things that may or may not be cool.

Drinking for instance, I'm a hearty drinker. Liquor, wine, beer, turpentine, anything really. Nothing relaxes a person at the end of a day like a vodka Martini, hearty oatmeal stout, or a Australian Sirah. And copious amounts of it on special occasions, like crying in a cold shower fully clothed.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Drink Yes
Smoke No.

I love how people think smoking is worse than drinking *laugh*

Brawl FC: 0473 - 7465 - 0612

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Though I joke about it, I never smoke and I rarely drink. My body is sacred.

I'll probably drink. Probably smoke. Get into crack and heroin. You know, then I'll do the drugs that'll exist in 2020, like New Coke.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Valdens said:
I love how people think smoking is worse than drinking *laugh*

How many people get cancer or other diseases from drinking occasionally?

Smoking is much more addictive and causes more diseases. Drinking is a problem if you're irresponsible (for example, driving under the influence), but that's something the drinker can control. Try controlling the effects of smoking... Drinking even has some health benefits according to many studies.

I am interested in hearing your theory on why drinking is worse than smoking. Just typing "*laugh*" doesn't cut it.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The_vagabond7 said:
Smoke, no. I think it's nasty personally, granted people look pretty cool doing it...except the ones that don't...actually it doesn't look that cool unless Carry Grant is doing it...or bruce willis...and some other cool people...I guess really cool people look cool doing things that may or may not be cool.

Drinking for instance, I'm a hearty drinker. Liquor, wine, beer, turpentine, anything really. Nothing relaxes a person at the end of a day like a vodka Martini, hearty oatmeal stout, or a Australian Sirah. And copious amounts of it on special occasions, like crying in a cold shower fully clothed.

One time for a short movie for an editing class I actually cried in a shower in a gorilla costume.  I lost it years ago though.  I'll have to fucking do it again some day.

dtewi said:
I'll probably drink. Probably smoke. Get into crack and heroin. You know, then I'll do the drugs that'll exist in 2020, like New Coke.

I'd say stay away from the cigarettes and crack.  And you should do Space Coke instead of New Coke.  Here's what it does to you:



Personally, my favorites are Slurm, Substance D, Nuke, and Neuroin.

drink...nope got drunk once and didn't like it
smoke ...only weed don't fuck wit cigarettes