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The_vagabond7 said:
Smoke, no. I think it's nasty personally, granted people look pretty cool doing it...except the ones that don't...actually it doesn't look that cool unless Carry Grant is doing it...or bruce willis...and some other cool people...I guess really cool people look cool doing things that may or may not be cool.

Drinking for instance, I'm a hearty drinker. Liquor, wine, beer, turpentine, anything really. Nothing relaxes a person at the end of a day like a vodka Martini, hearty oatmeal stout, or a Australian Sirah. And copious amounts of it on special occasions, like crying in a cold shower fully clothed.

One time for a short movie for an editing class I actually cried in a shower in a gorilla costume.  I lost it years ago though.  I'll have to fucking do it again some day.

dtewi said:
I'll probably drink. Probably smoke. Get into crack and heroin. You know, then I'll do the drugs that'll exist in 2020, like New Coke.

I'd say stay away from the cigarettes and crack.  And you should do Space Coke instead of New Coke.  Here's what it does to you:



Personally, my favorites are Slurm, Substance D, Nuke, and Neuroin.