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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Trophies or Achievments?

My thoughts exactly anarchyz. Regretfully I now have to ban you for ignoring to warnings about your sig length.  See you in 3 days.

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bbsin said:
ssj12 said:
Machina-AX said:


1 - They're compulsory & every game has them.

2 - The gamercards are automatic and through sites like it's much easier to compare your achievement record with other players, right down to every single achievement unlocked, create leagues, check your actual completion % etc.

3 - Gamerscore values are easy to understand. I still have no idea what 'level 5' etc. actually means in terms of game time and effort, whereas gamerscore has a set and indetifiable value.

4 - Almost every retail game has a set value of 1,000 gamerscore, whereas it's not clear whether trophies will develop a similar policy. Some PS3 games seem to have really long lists of trophies, whereas others have much more reasonable numbers.

That said, I like the idea of an RPG style level-up system for achievements, so trophies have the potential to be better for me. But at the moment they're just nowhere near achievements.


trophies have a set value limit. All trophies in one game has to match a certain score limit. This is why Linger in Shadow has only 15 trophies and have the same worth as Uncharted.

Actually, Linger in the shadow do not have the same worth as Uncharted. Uncharted should be worth much more.

I think the point system goes like this:

Bronze = 1 point

Silver = 2 points

Gold = 6 points

Platinum = 12 points.

If you follow this point system, most PSN games have 21 points worth of trophies and all PS3 games have 82 points.


Skeeuk said:
SMcc1887 said:

What do you prefer. The PS3 trophy system ( FW update 2.50) or Xbox 360 achievments. I personally prefer trophies as it makes more since to me to say " I'm level 8" rather than say " I've got 15000 G"


Give Reasons


 trophies is a better concept than a standard gamescore, as you will level up and sounds better to be a certain level.

plus in the future, unlockables will be acheived by specific trophie unlocks, eg. new game specific items to be used in home etc etc.

personally i dont adhere to niether, i have never played games to gain all the cheivments, so it doesnt matter to me


That can happen with achievements too.  In Mass Effect certain achievements give you bonuses on future playthroughs, hence the reason I will have 1050/1050 before ME 2 comes out.

On that topic, I currently have 135 G.






Man, I'm new to this.


Pesonally, I prefer my own rewards system. I call it "Lewis Points".

Kill a foe in Gears of War, that's 4 Lewis Points!
Get 8 Tetris' in a row, that's 10 Lewis Points!!
Going out on a date with an ugly chick? 50 Lewis Points!!!

-now would be a good time to mention: 1 Lewis Point=1 Sip of beer.

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So after playing Dead Space a little on the PS3 I realized another reason why I prefer Gamerscore to trophies: your Gamerscore is actually visible.

I have no clue how many trophies I have. I have to go find the menu option, wait for it to load, and then look through each game to see my trophies. With achievements it's always right there in the same spot in easy view.

As much as an achievement/trophy whore I am, I could see myself easily forgetting about trophies because they just aren't visible.

twesterm said:
So after playing Dead Space a little on the PS3 I realized another reason why I prefer Gamerscore to trophies: your Gamerscore is actually visible.

I have no clue how many trophies I have. I have to go find the menu option, wait for it to load, and then look through each game to see my trophies. With achievements it's always right there in the same spot in easy view.

As much as an achievement/trophy whore I am, I could see myself easily forgetting about trophies because they just aren't visible.


Playstation button, move left stick up, hit x and there you are, all your trophies listed, no loading time or wait on any of those operations, no need to leave the game...

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Ail said:
twesterm said:
So after playing Dead Space a little on the PS3 I realized another reason why I prefer Gamerscore to trophies: your Gamerscore is actually visible.

I have no clue how many trophies I have. I have to go find the menu option, wait for it to load, and then look through each game to see my trophies. With achievements it's always right there in the same spot in easy view.

As much as an achievement/trophy whore I am, I could see myself easily forgetting about trophies because they just aren't visible.


Playstation button, move left stick up, hit x and there you are, all your trophies listed, no loading time or wait on any of those operations, no need to leave the game...

I admit its been a good month since I looked at my trophies, but last time I looked at them it took a good 3-5 seconds to actually see them.

Also, that still doesn't solve the problem of they just aren't visible.

To view my Gamerscore:

  • Turn on XBox 360
  • View any tab
  • Press the XBox button on the controller during game.

All pretty simple and involve no extra steps.

To view my trophies:

  • Press the PS button, move left stick up, press x.

Not simple and not always visible.


@ twesterm: You can easily check the total number of trophies you have by opening your profile within your PSN friends list.

Edit: Whoops, bit slow with my response...

I like the trophies and leveling up idea better and I prefer the PS3 user interface.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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