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Ail said:
twesterm said:
So after playing Dead Space a little on the PS3 I realized another reason why I prefer Gamerscore to trophies: your Gamerscore is actually visible.

I have no clue how many trophies I have. I have to go find the menu option, wait for it to load, and then look through each game to see my trophies. With achievements it's always right there in the same spot in easy view.

As much as an achievement/trophy whore I am, I could see myself easily forgetting about trophies because they just aren't visible.


Playstation button, move left stick up, hit x and there you are, all your trophies listed, no loading time or wait on any of those operations, no need to leave the game...

I admit its been a good month since I looked at my trophies, but last time I looked at them it took a good 3-5 seconds to actually see them.

Also, that still doesn't solve the problem of they just aren't visible.

To view my Gamerscore:

  • Turn on XBox 360
  • View any tab
  • Press the XBox button on the controller during game.

All pretty simple and involve no extra steps.

To view my trophies:

  • Press the PS button, move left stick up, press x.

Not simple and not always visible.