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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Trophies or Achievments?

I prefer the trophy system for two reasons.

1. You get a platinum trophy for getting 100% in a full game.

2. Because there will be home integration that supposedly allows trophies to be seen in a solid 3d form.

Other than that, gamerscore does have an overall better interface. The online cards, achievement dedicated website, and having all games in the library with achievements are definitely things that Sony should work on duplicating.

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SMcc1887 said:

What do you prefer. The PS3 trophy system ( FW update 2.50) or Xbox 360 achievments. I personally prefer trophies as it makes more since to me to say " I'm level 8" rather than say " I've got 15000 G"


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 trophies is a better concept than a standard gamescore, as you will level up and sounds better to be a certain level.

plus in the future, unlockables will be acheived by specific trophie unlocks, eg. new game specific items to be used in home etc etc.

personally i dont adhere to niether, i have never played games to gain all the cheivments, so it doesnt matter to me

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Impulsivity said:
Onyxmeth said:
Impulsivity said:

Also the 360 has some horrid gamerscore inflation because of release titles with REALLY easy achievements. You can get super easy points from games like NBA 2006 where you can get all 5 200 point achievements in the space of a single game. There are at least 30,000 gimme points you could get in a few weekends with gamefly, there are no such things on the PS3, it was made after people realized the point of making them challenging and worthwhile. If you see someone with a 50k gamerscore it isn't immediately clear whether he just grinded gimme games or earned it, with a higher lv on the PS3 you know he earned it.

PS3 games aren't all necessarily going to have more difficult achievements. Criterion decided to make the Burnout Paradise trophies twice as easy as the 360 achievements for the game, plus in the PS3 version there is no reward for finishing the game at all. In the end, it's all about the individual developers, and not about the system they put it on.

I also noticed in some multiplats i've played like GTAIV and Burnout, the trophy levels don't always match up to the level of difficulty in obtaining them. I've seen Gold trophies that probably should have been Bronze, Silver that should have been Gold, etc. I even read a post when Pixeljunk Monsters Eden came out and people were complaining about that problem there also with some very difficult tasks only rewarding Bronze trophies. 360 has the same problem with the GS for games not always adding up well with the difficulty, so again this looks to be a developer issue, and one that will plague both systems pretty equally.


  For burnout I'm 99.9% sure they made them less hardcore because they found out they couldn't just reference the in game achievements after all.  It is one thing to ask people to do 10 showtimes over again, its quite another to ask them to do EVERYTHING in the game from scratch on a new save file for the platinum.

   As to the inflation go to a 360 achievements site and look at the REALLY early achievements on games like Madden 06 and the like.  It's not just half as easy or anything, there are at least 30k points that are flat out gimmes.  I rented a few early on when I used to use the 360 (before the PS3 came out) and I was getting like 1000 points per hour easy renting 3 at a time from gamefly.


I don't see the difference there. Don't you need to restart the game anyways if you've finished? They're basically making you restart anyways. My point was that it's up to the individual developer to make them difficult or easy, and it will be pretty even across both platforms in the future. Burnout was just an example because you said some early achievmenets were too easy and tophies will all be "earned". I was showing that you needed to do more earning in Burnout on 360 than on PS3. Also I'm pretty sure the trophies can mimic the achievements, because I think GTAIV's trophies are the spitting image, even in the names.

If we're talking sports games, guess what? They all have easy achievements, even to this day. I got over 750 GS in Madden 09 in like 3 hours of gametime. If you think the trophies on future sports games are going to be any different, you'll be sorely disappointed next year. Some games are going to be trophy whore games the same way there are achievement whore games. Mostly it's sports games and games aimed towards children.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

achievements because lets face it every 360 game has em... but most ps3 games will have them going forward and I do like the trophy level system rather than achievements point system

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

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PSNTAG= Xander732

Both are pointless. People look for stupid easy ones and then go for those just to raise their scores. I hate them both, and wish they didn't exist. I want to turn them off on my consoles.

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Achievement Points are better because every 360 game has them.

/end thread

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naznatips said:
Both are pointless. People look for stupid easy ones and then go for those just to raise their scores. I hate them both, and wish they didn't exist. I want to turn them off on my consoles.

Oh come on Nazzy. I know when you're playing a 360 game and all of a sudden an Achievement Earned icon shows up it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. You don't have to shy away from us, we understand pride.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

ssj12 said:
Machina-AX said:


1 - They're compulsory & every game has them.

2 - The gamercards are automatic and through sites like it's much easier to compare your achievement record with other players, right down to every single achievement unlocked, create leagues, check your actual completion % etc.

3 - Gamerscore values are easy to understand. I still have no idea what 'level 5' etc. actually means in terms of game time and effort, whereas gamerscore has a set and indetifiable value.

4 - Almost every retail game has a set value of 1,000 gamerscore, whereas it's not clear whether trophies will develop a similar policy. Some PS3 games seem to have really long lists of trophies, whereas others have much more reasonable numbers.

That said, I like the idea of an RPG style level-up system for achievements, so trophies have the potential to be better for me. But at the moment they're just nowhere near achievements.


trophies have a set value limit. All trophies in one game has to match a certain score limit. This is why Linger in Shadow has only 15 trophies and have the same worth as Uncharted.

Actually, Linger in the shadow do not have the same worth as Uncharted. Uncharted should be worth much more.

I think the point system goes like this:

Bronze = 1 point

Silver = 2 points

Gold = 6 points

Platinum = 12 points.

I'm going for the non-option of Steam Achievements. It's easy to see all of them, there can be a lot more on one game (TF2 already has over 100, and will have over 300 after updates at least) and they are only a competition if you make it that. There's no crappy Gamerscore etc.

I don't have a 360, and I've never taken a console online (never had a need to when I only use them for RPG's, which I rarely do now), so I couldn't choose between the 360 and PS3 achievements.