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Forums - Sales Discussion - Latest MGS4 figures in Japan, 660k sold and 730k shipped.

I just love how this thread is full of assumptions.

I'd like someone to continue this thread with facts, linked to actual documents, or this thread is not even necessary.

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BengaBenga said:
shanbcn said:
DKII said:
Except it cost 10 times as much.


Trolling is not allowed. Back up your words or F of

I'm sure that when they started the development they budgetted on at least MGS3 level sales.

So what is your point?  MGS3 took 60 weeks to reach the level MGS4 is at now.


I haven't said anything about porting

true, I had the impression that you said they would need to port the game because they need to recoup the investment. But this wasn't true and everything you said in the first chapter is absolutely correct and pretty much exactly what I also said.

The 40% is not pulled out of thin air. It's a very suitable number for projects, like game development, that take several years. (for example some other possibilities for Konami to invest their money: ~5% -> put on the bank, ~10% -> invest in government bonds, ~15% -> shares).

shares and 15%? You followed the news? More like -50% recently. No long-term growth in shares is above bonds but not double digit unless you take time periods between busts. No 10% ROI is pretty good for companies and what most companies want to achieve. (More is always good but double digit profit is generally seen as a healthy thing).
If you add inflation to the development costs of the first couple years you are still not even near 40%. Especially since the biggest part of development costs will be in the last two years when the team is at full strength.

Yakuzaice said:
BengaBenga said:
shanbcn said:
DKII said:
Except it cost 10 times as much.


Trolling is not allowed. Back up your words or F of

I'm sure that when they started the development they budgetted on at least MGS3 level sales.

So what is your point?  MGS3 took 60 weeks to reach the level MGS4 is at now.


^^+1 Lets wait until MGS4 stops selling before we count how much it has sold.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

BengaBenga said:
Kyros said:
Konami definitely can't be happy with the sales

They sold 3m. We know the publisher gets close to 40$ for each sold game. That's 120m. We know that they got some sweet conditions from Sony so I would be really surprised if they did pay the 10$ tax for the console publisher. I am also quite sure that Sony paid a bit of their advertisement etc.

So whatever money they paid for development they are definitely happy with the sales. You can be sure about that. So go back into the place you came from.


Actually publishers get around $25,- (and have to pay the developer from that)
Sony gets $9,
Retailer gets $ 12,-
Marketing: $7,-
Distribution, manufacturing: $3,-

And no, in Sony's current financial situation they definitely didn't cut the fee's from one of the best selling games.


Based on your estimates if Konami is indeed geting $25 per game then seeing as how they have shipped at least 4 million copies, the return is $100 million dollars. Even if the game cost 50 million to develop they have still made a cool $50 million in profits.





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Yep with 4 millions shipped they conservatively made around 100 millions $ so far, more is Sony picked up the marketing tab ( which they probably did).

With that amount of revenue I think it's conservative to think they have already made 40% ROI on the game ( development costs would have to be over 74 million $ for it not to be the case and I doubt they were that high).

If you ballpark the development costs at 50 million $ ( which seem more reasonnable) you get a 100% ROI so far with still more sales to come...

Seems like a good investment for me...

As for number 1 franchises, I would actually expect PES to be the number 1 revenue maker for Konami. It has a yearly released that sells over 1 million units and additional costs on new versions are minimal aside from licencing costs with soccer clubs...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

shanbcn said:

Some one in Neogaf posted MGS4 latest numbers.

"Current total in Japan is 660,788, 90.1% sell through (Enterbrain, up to 5 October)."

90% sell through mean Konami shipped around 730k in Japan. Even if Konami doesn't ship more (unluckly) MGS4 did quite well. Now lets compare wih other MGS's LTD.

MGS1: 780k

MGS2: 870k

MGS3: 860k

MGS4: 730k

So even with much smaller install base it did quite well.


These are Great numbers because achieved in only 3 Months!

For me, MGS4 will sell about 1 million units in total.


DKII said:
Except it cost 10 times as much.


 LOl. Some people can't take a joke. I thought this was hilarious.

Everyone's on edge about MGS4 right now.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

why would konami not be happy when the shipment was 730k, wouldn't they have said they wanted more to be shipped?
unless that sell% is off target or pre-orders aren't included, that doesn't seem like a realistic number to be shipping to at least one city of 50million people.

Ail said:
Yep with 4 millions shipped they conservatively made around 100 millions $ so far, more is Sony picked up the marketing tab ( which they probably did).

With that amount of revenue I think it's conservative to think they have already made 40% ROI on the game ( development costs would have to be over 74 million $ for it not to be the case and I doubt they were that high).

If you ballpark the development costs at 50 million $ ( which seem more reasonnable) you get a 100% ROI so far with still more sales to come...

Seems like a good investment for me...

As for number 1 franchises, I would actually expect PES to be the number 1 revenue maker for Konami. It has a yearly released that sells over 1 million units and additional costs on new versions are minimal aside from licencing costs with soccer clubs...


You forget one important thing here: taxes.
And I don't think Sony picked up the complete marketing budget and the advertising for the game was huge.
But MGS definitely made money (something I never denied). Compared to the old MGS games however I think the profit is down significantly.

I agree that PES is a hell of an asset for Konami, no doubt about that. Maybe bigger than MGS, depends on the licensing costs for the teams I think.