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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I have a decision to make - Disaster or Fable2?

Me said:
BengaBenga said:
Ehm try Lost Odyssee, Vesperia or Oblivion. I know the first 2 are more traditional RPG's, but definitely worth trying.

Personlly I found Fable 1 to be a letdown and from what I've heard 2 won't be without its flaws.

Don't know about Disaster, I'll probably buy it and maybe review it for the site.


See i have a stigam where a RPG is mentioned I switch off - tried KOTOR ages ago on the xbox and hated it due to it's turn based fighting.  Is LO like this?


Go back and play Kotor again! I was in the exact same boat. I put it away after an hour because I thought the combat was verging on broken. But once I went back, I discovered the quasi realtime combat actually worked really well, especially since you have a lot of control over just how rpg'ish it is.


I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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Get Fable II... Enjoy.

Me said:
BengaBenga said:
Ehm try Lost Odyssee, Vesperia or Oblivion. I know the first 2 are more traditional RPG's, but definitely worth trying.

Personlly I found Fable 1 to be a letdown and from what I've heard 2 won't be without its flaws.

Don't know about Disaster, I'll probably buy it and maybe review it for the site.


See i have a stigam where a RPG is mentioned I switch off - tried KOTOR ages ago on the xbox and hated it due to it's turn based fighting.  Is LO like this?


You have to give KOTOR another chance, you won't regret it. The story is equally awesome to Mass Effect, if not even slightly better (as a stand alone story). The first world, Taris, can be a bit of a chore, but just put up with it, and you'll experience one of the best rpgs ever.

Edit: Oh, and I would go with Fable. We haven't seen any reviews yet, but I suspect it will be epic.


get Fable 2

zaphodile said:
Me said:
BengaBenga said:
Ehm try Lost Odyssee, Vesperia or Oblivion. I know the first 2 are more traditional RPG's, but definitely worth trying.

Personlly I found Fable 1 to be a letdown and from what I've heard 2 won't be without its flaws.

Don't know about Disaster, I'll probably buy it and maybe review it for the site.


See i have a stigam where a RPG is mentioned I switch off - tried KOTOR ages ago on the xbox and hated it due to it's turn based fighting.  Is LO like this?


You have to give KOTOR another chance, you won't regret it. The story is equally awesome to Mass Effect, if not even slightly better (as a stand alone story). The first world, Taris, can be a bit of a chore, but just put up with it, and you'll experience one of the best rpgs ever.

Edit: Oh, and I would go with Fable. We haven't seen any reviews yet, but I suspect it will be epic.



I did actually give up on the first world but thinking back this was when I was in my Halo and FPS phase, maybe I will pull out the old green brick from under my bed, dust it off and give it another go.


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think i'll get oblivion and Fable2 at the same as oblivion is now down to £12.99 in some places in London and it should keep me going for months.


I love RPG, but Fable 1 was a mediocre, boring and silly game. And it seems Fable2 is following this tradition.

Disaster seems to be like a Hollywood Action Blockbuster.

You can not compare these two games, since they are completely different.

Personally? I'm going with Disaster. For me, there's actually 3 games being released that day. Disaster, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows and Fable 2. I've got some cash, but not enough for three games, so I had to count one out, and it had to be Fable 2. Mostly on the basis that it can wait. I'll probably hope to get it for christmas, and if I don't I'll buy it early 2009 I guess.

You picked a Spiderman game over Fable 2? >_

Cueil said:
You picked a Spiderman game over Fable 2? >_<

It's not quite that simple if you actually read what I wrote, but yeah, I suppose.