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Me said:
BengaBenga said:
Ehm try Lost Odyssee, Vesperia or Oblivion. I know the first 2 are more traditional RPG's, but definitely worth trying.

Personlly I found Fable 1 to be a letdown and from what I've heard 2 won't be without its flaws.

Don't know about Disaster, I'll probably buy it and maybe review it for the site.


See i have a stigam where a RPG is mentioned I switch off - tried KOTOR ages ago on the xbox and hated it due to it's turn based fighting.  Is LO like this?


You have to give KOTOR another chance, you won't regret it. The story is equally awesome to Mass Effect, if not even slightly better (as a stand alone story). The first world, Taris, can be a bit of a chore, but just put up with it, and you'll experience one of the best rpgs ever.

Edit: Oh, and I would go with Fable. We haven't seen any reviews yet, but I suspect it will be epic.