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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Toshiden confirmed on the Wii but what is Toshiden? :/

yushire said:
If its a medocre title why bringing it back and whats Tobal? :?

The first one was HUGE... it was promoted by Sony themself... waaay later ithad a port to the saturn.. the sequels... 2, 3 and 4.. were just lame.. Soul Edge was the better fighting game with swords.. & Tekken the better fighting game... but still.. it holds a place in the hearts who where around when the first playstation was released... this was the reason to buy one.. together with Ridge Racer..

 Tobal is a fighting game from Square...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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I thought that it was supposed to be a very good fighter for its time, but games like Tekken, Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur pushed the bar so much higher that it was left in the dust.

Why is everyone forgetting about no 4..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Why is everyone forgetting about no 4..

Because this never cane out in the States...Japan only i think.


disolitude said:
NiKKoM said:
Why is everyone forgetting about no 4..

Because this never cane out in the States...Japan only i think.



Ahh.. but it did came out in Europe (PAL).. I still have a copy of it....


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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disolitude said:
NiKKoM said:
Why is everyone forgetting about no 4..

Because this never cane out in the States...Japan only i think.



 It also came out in Europe though but so damned late..The PS One was almost dead like somewhere in 2000?

If you had a N64 you got Super Smash, on PS Tekken 3 and the Sega DC was already there with DOA 2

Toshinden with motion controls would be interesting. Here's hoping they don't kill it by including kinesophobe-enabling CC/GC support. Take the plunge or don't play.

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Takara published these games right...they fall in to the category of "where are they now?" along with Acclaim.

Ugh, Toshinden URA was for the Saturn. URA stands for Ultimate Revenge Attack. It's THAT cheesy. I'd rather forget it than taint my good memories of the Saturn.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

It came before Tekken and helped sell the PS, at least in America. I was certainly in the minority but I liked it better than the Tekken games on the PS. Of course, Tobal and Bushido Blade were the best fighting games on the PS. It is nice to see that another Tobal is being released on cell phones. Now if Square would just announce a Wii Motion Plus version of Bushindo Blade all will be right with the world.


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