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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RUMOR: Next Xbox to be “Forward-Compatible”

Don't you get the same affect when you test a game on say a mid range rig, and then try it on a high range rig??? Better frame-rate, better resolution, etc. The game would have to have some sort of support for this added though right???

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That's retarded. A PC would be better in any way.

I don''t beleive it though.

They never mention re-writing code. Another possibility is something like incorporating some standard by which you write you initial game so that it can take advantage of features on the next version of the Xbox. It would not be difficult to create such a thing, at least in comparison to the various bc issues MS deals with in Windows, but gettings devs to use it might be a problem. Probably would only work well on games that already have beyond console level content that could be included but left dormant for a new hardware revision.

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