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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

SlumsofOhio said:
@Cueil And your one of how many? I doubt 360 owners for the most part played MGS3. (Let alone MGS2, which was on the XBOX. How well did that one do?)

I played MGS 1, 2 and 3. Why do you think most 360 owners were mainly Xbox owners?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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I love all this fanboy damage control. It's cracking me up. Nonetheless, I think MGS4 is a steaming pile of crap, and will not buy it no matter what system it's on.


You would be right, I am admitting that. So?


SlumsofOhio said:
@Cueil And your one of how many? I doubt 360 owners for the most part played MGS3. (Let alone MGS2, which was on the XBOX. How well did that one do?)

lol I can remember of a big survey, where more PS2 users have a 360 this gen than a PS3.


@ Lafiel

I just wanted to point out that the game wouldn't need 20 double layer discs ;)

@ leo-j,

God, that was just an example. Don't read into it so much. I was just using it to underline my point that advanced games can be ported to inferior consoles. Not that the Xbox360's so much worse than PS3, but some people seem to believe that. Honestly, no-one but the most hardcore of graphics whores (you know who you are) can discern a whole lot of difference, graphics-wise between the 2 current HD consoles.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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would be sad if it came to 360 especially if the 360 version has achievements when it released while the ps3 version did't get trophy patch


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SlumsofOhio said:

You would be right, I am admitting that. So?

Not a thing. It's just that most PS3 owners don't want to come to the conclusion that this series may be in decline saleswise. It's still an ignorant point of view to assume 3.5 million MGS4 owners all ran through previous entries in the series. If I polled this site alone, I'm sure I would come across plenty of MGS4 owners that haven't played the third games anyways. Do those people also not deserve to play the game? You also seem to forget that MGS2 and MGS3 weren't played by many PS2 owners. Only a small percentage bought them.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

leo-j said:

So the GC version of RE4 had nintendo characters all over the game, and nintendo consoles?

(If you dont know why im saying this then dont even argue)


No, but MGS1 did :p and that didn't stop it from being changed to Nintendo references...

well it wasn't anounce on tokyo game show, doens't looks like soon it will be.

but mgs4 its STILL HUGE, it will need 5-6 dual layer discs easily. 4 with tons of compression.

Jo21 said:
well it wasn't anounce on tokyo game show, doens't looks like soon it will be.

but mgs4 its STILL HUGE, it will need 5-6 dual layer discs easily. 4 with tons of compression.


I doubt that.  I think that some editing will be done, but the game doesn't need  but one DVD two at most.  I still think this isn't MGS4, but MGS Online.