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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

SlumsofOhio said:
You have to play MGS3 to understand MGS4. 360 owners will be confused unless MGS3 came to 360 somehow. Right?


Why would you think all 360 owners are ignorate of MGS games?  I own MGS3... I beat it so yeah I would have not problems understanding 4

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does it matter if it goes to the 360? i mean, the exclusive status has done it's job. 360 sales aren't going to soar for a game that is a year old.

Haha, I would love to see it just to piss off those PS3 fanboys. I remember when FFXIII lost it's exclusivity, things went crazy. I'm sure if this actually does happen, they will be saying "Konami betrayed Sony" just like how apparently SE betrayed Sony. Although I wouldn't say it's the best game ever, it's still a kickass game.


@Cueil And your one of how many? I doubt 360 owners for the most part played MGS3. (Let alone MGS2, which was on the XBOX. How well did that one do?)


darthdevidem01 said:
I will be happy if the best game of all time can be played by Xbox 360 System owners.

I appreciate that darth, really do. I said the same thing about Bioshock way back when :P


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Why are people making such a big deal out of this, especially the PS3 fanboys.. They're getting Bioshock, one of the Xbox360's so-called 'exclusives'. So why whine when they might get your precious MGS4. It's not like it's a 1st party title, Konami can do whatever the heck they want and deem smart. It's just business. And after all, making a ton of money for a fraction of the costs is only smart, right?

Also, it can be ported. The game may not come out 100% the same in the end, but that's only natural. Remember people, this is exactly the same as the GameCube's situation with Resident Evil 4 a few years back. So-called 'exclusive' too. Made by a loyal 3rd party. Pushed the powers of the 'Cube to their absolute limits. Well, and where did that game get ported to eventually? Right, the inferior, underpowered PS2. Boo-hoo. Xbox360 and PS3 are closer in power than the GC and PS2 were back then, relatively speaking. So, get over it.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
Why are people making such a big deal out of this, especially the PS3 fanboys.. They're getting Bioshock, one of the Xbox360's so-called 'exclusives'. So why whine when they might get your precious MGS4. It's not like it's a 1st party title, Konami can do whatever the heck they want and deem smart. It's just business. And after all, making a ton of money for a fraction of the costs is only smart, right?

Also, it can be ported. The game may not come out 100% the same in the end, but that's only natural. Remember people, this is exactly the same as the GameCube's situation with Resident Evil 4 a few years back. So-called 'exclusive' too. Made by a loyal 3rd party. Pushed the powers of the 'Cube to their absolute limits. Well, and where did that game get ported to eventually? Right, the inferior, underpowered PS2. Boo-hoo. Xbox360 and PS3 are closer in power than the GC and PS2 were back then, relatively speaking. So, get over it.

Read Lafiel's post, the one where he replies to Barozi.


SlumsofOhio said:
@Cueil And your one of how many? I doubt 360 owners for the most part played MGS3. (Let alone MGS2, which was on the XBOX. How well did that one do?)

You're looking at everything like console owners are on a continuous flow with brands. A lot of people with 360's probably owned PS2s last gen. I know that I've never owned an Xbox in my life and went from PS2 to 360. You're also under the impession that everyone that played MGS4 also played through MGS3. If that's the case then you would be admitting that MGS4 will not see a lick of sales growth over the last entry.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

The hype for this game is dead anyways. If this happen, it will end up like MGS2 substance for the XBOX.



So the GC version of RE4 had nintendo characters all over the game, and nintendo consoles?

(If you dont know why im saying this then dont even argue)

