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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

A Konami rep is quoted as saying, regarding MGS4, "We're actively looking into a release for the Xbox 360." While this isn't a confirmation of it coming, it does lend hope to those Xbox 360 owners who haven't plunked down money on a PS3.

However, this little quote doesn't clear the major hurdle Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has listed for the title coming to Xbox 360. He has been quoted in several interviews saying a port was likely impossible due to the game being optimized for the PS3 hardware, specifically Blu-ray discs.

Let the "discussion" commence!

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Haha, good job Rol. Come out now. >_>

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

ha ha, i know who your talking about, I thought she/he was a nintendo fanboy (with all the disney stuff she has!) ;)

Why would they actively look into a 360 port? One good reason is all i need

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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I dont know, its not like the game hasnt sold well.


actually it was proven maybe thats why takes offline

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

You forgot to add the "l" in "html" in your original link, It's on the front page at IGN Xbox 360 site. The correct link is below.

"October 14, 2008 - According to a Tokyo Game Show report from Japanese investment research firm Morningstar, Metal Gear Solid 4 may find its way to the Xbox 360 after all. Morningstar published a general article covering multiplatform trends that features a quote from a Konami public relations representative that should fuel rumors for months to come. The rep is quoted as saying, regarding MGS4, "We're actively looking into a release for the Xbox 360." While this isn't a confirmation of it coming, it does lend hope to those Xbox 360 owners who haven't plunked down money on a PS3.

However, this little quote doesn't clear the major hurdle Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has listed for the title coming to Xbox 360. He has been quoted in several interviews saying a port was likely impossible due to the game being optimized for the PS3 hardware, specifically Blu-ray discs.

IGN has contacted Konami's US representatives for a comment and is awaiting a response. The original Morningstar report can be found here."

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

the link is broken ???

surprisingly I have heard the same in a french website

BUT, there was nothing to back up their "a PR told us" ...

Well, MGS4 going to xbox360 make sense to me.

1 year timed exclusivty as I predicted.

Time to Work !