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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 - the fastest selling Playstation brand product in Poland

It's interesting it's the fastest selling to 50k, yet the PS2 has 9 times the number of systems sold.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Well, it isn't that surprising. I mean, if you look at sales from launch (which I expect they did), Ps3 has sold 6.3M in the same  time as Ps2 sold 7.5M. That's Europe sales.

So the Ps3 is bound to be ahead in some countries.

In Italy for instance, VGChartz has Ps3 tracking 14K below Ps2. I'm sure we'll get the announcement when (if) they manage to pull slightly ahead. After all, they've mentioned several times that they're outracking the Wii (although Wii has caught up in total sales again).

And it's heavily outpacing the Ps2 in "other Europe". Currently tracking 250K and 30% above the Ps2.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Too bad it's such a tiny market, if this was the Uk then it would be interesting.

mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.


I may be wrong, but Poland has a very low internet rate, at least compared to most OECD countries.

According to Gapminder.Org (which has credible data, I believe they get it from the UN or something. It's credible enough to be at TED, so it should be good enough), there are 29 internet users pr 100 people in Poland. Compared to that there's somewhere around 70 for the United states, and most of the major European countries are at 50-60.

And for XBL, you would of course need internet. Wouldn't this mean that the number is likely to be higher than what you assume?

Also, Poland isn't a country with great inequality. The 20% lowest have an income of roughly 8% of the total income. That's good, and roughly the same as most of OECD.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Around the Network
mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.

How are there Polish XBL users if the service isn't available there? damn, it's even available in SIngapore, but not in Poland?

I went to and poland is not in the XBL list.


MrBubbles said:
bokvamme said:

USA+Japan+Canada = 460 million

EU = 490 million

Europe = 720 million


The biggest (current) market in Europe for consoles is EU.

EU got 30 million more people than USA+Japan+Canada



its too bad so many of them live on a dollar a day and cant afford consoles.

They certaintly have more money then US though...


disolitude said:
can anyone make any Polish jokes here?

Howmany Polacks does it take to buy a ps3?

I highly suggest you not finish that joke.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Go Poland Sony fans!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Xen said:
mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.

How are there Polish XBL users if the service isn't available there? damn, it's even available in SIngapore, but not in Poland?

I went to and poland is not in the XBL list.

Yet somehow it makes its way on the MGC list of official countries, with official users...

I am unsure why it works out that way, but MGC says there are almost 8,000 polish users. It's entirely possible that they have accessed XBL from another country (Germany, Czechoslovakia) and have Poland as their default country....Same way I have a Japanese-looking account somewhere, tucked away.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.