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mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.


I may be wrong, but Poland has a very low internet rate, at least compared to most OECD countries.

According to Gapminder.Org (which has credible data, I believe they get it from the UN or something. It's credible enough to be at TED, so it should be good enough), there are 29 internet users pr 100 people in Poland. Compared to that there's somewhere around 70 for the United states, and most of the major European countries are at 50-60.

And for XBL, you would of course need internet. Wouldn't this mean that the number is likely to be higher than what you assume?

Also, Poland isn't a country with great inequality. The 20% lowest have an income of roughly 8% of the total income. That's good, and roughly the same as most of OECD.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS