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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Killing my Falcon softly with this heater? 3 months of abuse and no RROD!

NightDragon83 said:
C'mon.. everyone knows that RROD causes global warming!



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Squilliam said:

I just realised that my Xbox 360 (Falcon chipset) sits between 6 inches away and actually touching my 2400W oil column convection heater, surface temperature? Too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. That shows how much I care I guess...

Im not worried at all, its just a convenient place to put it so I can access the drive because I store my disks/etc in a chest under my seat. I like the toasty feeling of sitting next to my heater and I like the convenience of sitting next to my Xbox 360 so yeah why should I worry? Im covered by a RROD warranty until February 2011 anyway and I have a gaming PC/PS3/Wii to play if it breaks.

Btw I haven't had any glitches, hitches, freezes, 2 ring overheating or anything like that. But its still funny. "OMGZ the RROD monster will get youz!"

All I can say is LULZ!!!

You are cheating, you perfectly know it's actually the XB360 that's heating the heater, that in this case should be considered a cooler!!!  


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

I hear most 360's break in the dog days of summer. Mine was a launch unit that only had a few months to go before actually surviving for three years without a RROD, then it died on a very hot day in August when I had no AC/FAN on so it was boiling in here. Yet yours is right near a heater and does not suffer? Truly fascinating.

It's just that simple.

Jo21 said:
Squilliam said:

I just realised that my Xbox 360 (Falcon chipset) sits between 6 inches away and actually touching my 2400W oil column convection heater, surface temperature? Too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. That shows how much I care I guess...

Im not worried at all, its just a convenient place to put it so I can access the drive because I store my disks/etc in a chest under my seat. I like the toasty feeling of sitting next to my heater and I like the convenience of sitting next to my Xbox 360 so yeah why should I worry? Im covered by a RROD warranty until February 2011 anyway and I have a gaming PC/PS3/Wii to play if it breaks.

Btw I haven't had any glitches, hitches, freezes, 2 ring overheating or anything like that. But its still funny. "OMGZ the RROD monster will get youz!"

All I can say is LULZ!!!


i live in latin america a real hot country we don't need heaters,  but  there is a chance i get RROD in a 32-34º lowest 21-24º C?


here in my country its get from 39 to 49º and i remmember that one time its reached 52º ... even camels runaway from here lol .. but still i didnt get RROD.   

Nobody wants a fried falcon.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

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hotrodx said:
Nobody wants a fried falcon.

Except perhaps the lady courted by Federigo degli Alberighi in Decameron, 5th day, 9th tale.     


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

MonstaMack said:
I hear most 360's break in the dog days of summer. Mine was a launch unit that only had a few months to go before actually surviving for three years without a RROD, then it died on a very hot day in August when I had no AC/FAN on so it was boiling in here. Yet yours is right near a heater and does not suffer? Truly fascinating.

Perhaps its because the Falcon units use about 40-50w less heat and have better heat sinks for their heat output than Launch units? Anyway Jasper will obviously be better.



in tommorows news sqillum gets RROD and starts crying.....

sorry couldnt help it.

would be funny though - ok im mean :)

oliminator1994 said:
in tommorows news sqillum gets RROD and starts crying.....

sorry couldnt help it.

would be funny though - ok im mean :)


Please.. Squilliam just have to call him.. he always says: "I just can't do it captain.. I don't have the power.." but he will fix it.. he always does... he always does...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I am very much convinced that while the RRoD was definitely a huge problem, not everyone who says they got one actually got one or even owns a 360. Very much like the people who say they own all three consoles. I seriously doubt there are that many people out there who own all three. Hmmm.....strange. The people who say they own all three are usually arguing vehemently that a certain one of them is the best one and that the other two never get played. Just like how Sony fanboys often say they had a 360 RRoD so they switched to the PS3. It's the lowest form of fanboyism in my eyes.