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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima: Japanese game industry is in trouble

@Paul_Warren: Wow, are we living in the same world here?

We seem to be only talking about the HD consoles, so let's take that into account - worldwide, out of all the top 20 best selling HD games, guess how many are Japanese? One. Only MGS4 makes the list - you wouldn't say that's pretty damn alarming? The top 20 best selling on the 360 are all western, while the top 20 best selling on the PS3 have 5 Japanese games on the list (MGS4, GT5:P, PES, DMC4, SC4).

You also talk about the PS3 gaining ground on the 360. The best part about this is it has nothing to do with Japanese games. Look at what everyone is looking forward on the HD consoles in the upcoming months - Resistance 2, LBP, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Killzone 2, Banjo, Motorstorm 2... the games that will push consoles are all western. The Japanese do not have much of a presence compared to the west on HD consoles.

Now, throw Nintendo into the mix, and the scene changes. Kojima likely wasn't including them, though, otherwise his complaint doesn't make any sense.

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"Now, throw Nintendo into the mix, and the scene changes. Kojima likely wasn't including them, though, otherwise his complaint doesn't make any sense."

If you're talking about Japanese developers then you need to talk about all Japanese developed games. How many of the Wii, DS, and PSP's top twenty games are Japanese?

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren, I feel you are missing the point of the topic spectacularly. You're not addressing Kojima's words, you're mounting an argument against an opponent who isn't even here to argue with. This isn't about the System Wars, this is about the public mindshare of Japanese-developed games, and quite apparently our good man Kojima is not including Nintendo.

Kojima's focus is on the HD consoles, and Western games are conquering the world on those. They're actually going blow for blow with Nintendo when you combine the PS3 and the 360's libraries.

Kojima says the Japanese game industry is in trouble. Address his words and try to interpret them, but don't bring the console wars into this unless you can make a relevant, non-tangential connection between the two concepts.

"Kojima says the Japanese game industry is in trouble. Address his words and try to interpret them, but don't bring the console wars into this unless you can make a relevant, non-tangential connection between the two concepts."

Okay, Kojima is going along with the party-line and saying that the Japanese development community is in trouble right now when it actually isn't for some reason at the moment. However, the two most anticipated HD games in the world right now are Final Fantasy XIII and a rumored 360 version of MGS4 both of which are Japanese developed games.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:

"Kojima says the Japanese game industry is in trouble. Address his words and try to interpret them, but don't bring the console wars into this unless you can make a relevant, non-tangential connection between the two concepts."

Okay, Kojima is going along with the party-line and saying that the Japanese development community is in trouble right now when it actually isn't for some reason at the moment. However, the two most anticipated HD games in the world right now are Final Fantasy XIII and a rumored 360 version of MGS4 both of which are Japanese developed games.


I bolded the part that matters and struck out the part that doesn't. Follow this easy guideline and you'll be on-topic in no time at all.

Why would Kojima, being a self-proclaimed auteur, tout the party line in this situation? What has he to gain? And more, what makes you more qualified to judge this than he is? We need reasons! Give us reasons or don't bother saying things.

And you're still wrong, by the way - FFXIII is highly anticipated, but Gears 2 is about on the same level and there are dozens of HD games more anticipated than a 360 version of MGS4

Handy guidelines!

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There's a lot of frustration from Sony and it's partners. Rightfully so. That's where the line needs to be drawn. Do you think it's a statement made as a strategic move to imply the idea of MGS4 being released on the 360? So do I.


"Why would Kojima, being a self-proclaimed auteur, tout the party line in this situation? What has he to gain? And more, what makes you more qualified to judge this than he is? We need reasons! Give us reasons or don't bother saying things."

I already did in the part you didn't bold.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:

"Why would Kojima, being a self-proclaimed auteur, tout the party line in this situation? What has he to gain? And more, what makes you more qualified to judge this than he is? We need reasons! Give us reasons or don't bother saying things."

I already did in the part you didn't bold.


No, no you did not. That part was irrelevant. That is why it was struck out. And I countered it anyway.

"dozens of HD games more anticipated than a 360 version of MGS4"

Yeah, maybe a dozen minus 10, and really only one of those that still has the potential to amount to anything. What other game starts threads all across the internet at the mere mention that it could happen? Only MGS and FFXIII.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

"That's because those two are/were the only big third party exclusives that Sony has/had left."

Well, the 360 doesn't have much left either. What two games? And one of those destined for a Metcritic score in the mid eight range.

With its much stronger lineup of internal studios, Sony wouldn't have to be concerned by only have two big third-party exclusives left. However, they have more than two exclusives left: FF versus XIII is an exclusive, Kingdom Hearts III could still be on its way to the PS3 especially in the light of Disney's recent big endorsements of the blu-ray technology, and Kojima's next game will most likely be developed as a PS3 exclusive. Also Final Fantasy XIII which has been developed from the ground up as a PS3 exclusive will remain a much better game than the 360 port will be.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.